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Update On The Renewal Of Spanish Passports And Dni

Please note the link below which will provide full information. There is a link for making an appointment. Renewal Passport/DNI

Validity Of Foreigners Cards/family Members Of Eu Citizens And Various Visa Extension Information

Measures Brought in Due to the State of Alert Article 1 Extension of temporary residence and/or work and stay authorisations 1. The temporary residence and/or work authorisations and the stay authorisations for studies, student mobility, non-l

How To Check Padrón Registration

You can access the data the National Statistics Institute holds with regards to the municipal padrón registers. You need a digital certificate installed on your computer, or a Cl@ve Pin. LINK TO WEBSITE

Regresar A España / Spaniards Returning To Spain

Regresar a España Documentación relevante para su regreso a España. Please read the information in the guide provided below. It is important to carryout procedures necessary before leaving your present country of residence.   Guía de r

Dutch Residents Who Have Taken Spanish Nationality - 10 Year Rule Novelties

Info for those Dutch nationals who have taken Spanish nationality based on the length of time they’ve been residents, so more than 10 years, and didn´t renew their Dutch passports in time, which resulted in their automatic loss of Dutch n

Update Residency Certificate Barcelona - Member's Experience

Permanent residency –Oficina Extranjería Rambla de Guipúscoa, 74 (Next to metro Sant Martí on the Purple line) You don’t need an appointment if you already have a NIE and reside in Barcelona, just ask for a ticket B at the desk (If there

Ukns Residency Matters And Applications For Alicante Province Now Only In Alicante Office

Update for UK Nationals July 6 2020. FAQs and Instructions Please note that all UK nationals in Alicante Province who wish to make appointments for residency or residency related matters, should now make an appointment at the Alicante office.

Returning To The Uk To Reside? Information From Cab And The Uk Government Website

Please note the information on procedures that should be taken before leaving Spain.   Leaving Spain  

Discounts Public Transport Extremadura

Available for the following groups of citizens: – Over 60 years – Persons benefiting from permanent disability contributory pensions, in their total, absolute or severe disability, recognized in the Social Security protection regimes