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Spanish Nationality - How To Recover When Lost

Information from the Spanish Justice Ministry about recovering nationality. You’d need to visit a Registro Civil and make an official statement that you want to recover Spanish nationality. This statement then has to be registered at same

Dutch Residents Who Have Taken Spanish Nationality - 10 Year Rule Novelties

Info for those Dutch nationals who have taken Spanish nationality based on the length of time they’ve been residents, so more than 10 years, and didn´t renew their Dutch passports in time, which resulted in their automatic loss of Dutch n

Renew Spanish Passport Or Dni When Living In Uk

Info on how to renew your passport, forms and documentation HERE Links refer to the website pages in Spanish, but you can set the language to English at the very top of the page.

Spanish Nationality By Residency - Special Cita Previa Madrid

As a result of the drastically increased number of applications for Spanish nationality based on residency, the Madrid office has arranged for a special ‘cita previa’ for foreigners who want to apply and present the necessary paperwo

Double Nationality - Spanish And Other

Info from the Ministry of Justice.   HERE

How Do I Contact The Eu?

Contact the European Commission Advice to help you overcome practical problems with exercising your rights in Europe General information about EU matters in any of the official EU languages Call the free phone number 00800 6 7 8 9 10 11 from

Extensive List Judicial Translators/interpreters In Spanish Towns And Abroad

  List from the Spanish Ministry of the Exterior Updated 2020, starts page 18 Not vetted by CAB Spain so would appreciate your feedback.

Asked For Certificado De Concordancia?

For those wishing to change their nationality with regards to their registration as resident, e.g. from British passport to Irish or any other EU passport, you can be asked to provide a Certificado de Concordancia, to be obtained from the Britis

British Citizen Born In Spain, Will My Child Have The Automatic Right To British Citizenship?

As British Citizens born in Spain will have acquired their right to citizenship from their parents born in the UK, are British Citizens by descent. This means that their children (grandchildren to the full British citizen) will not automatically