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Lasting Power Of Attorney Spain

In Spain, a “Long Lasting Power of Attorney” is typically known as a “Poder Notarial Duradero” or “Poder Duradero” in Spanish. This legal document grants someone the authority to make decisions on your behalf, even if you become inca

Supreme Tribunal Declares As Null The Article That Extinguishes Right Of Residency

CAB explains that “The court makes it clear that is not for it to put itself in the situation of the legislator and determine if a limitation of this type is appropriate but states that in any case, elimination of the right of residence s

Digital Nomad Visa Application. Visa Success With Spain Info

Both Citizens Advice Spain and Spain info appreciate the write up about the Digital Nomad Visa Spain info applicants in the informative magazine, A Place in the Sun. This new visa has been a long awaited step forward for non EU citizens which n

Spain Information Best Available By Owning The Spain Info Card

There is no doubt that this is an unbeatable way to obtain the information you require,  when you need it, with ‘the Spain info Card. Are you the type of person who insists on Independent, impartial and accurate information and advice? Then,

Have You Heard About The Spain Info Card?

Spain info Is the pathway to all you need to know about living in Spain. Be prepared for all eventualities, own the Spain info Card. Your own private consultant. Never before has obtaining correct information been so simple. Professionalism Are

Cab Senior Adviser Has Achieved Her Aim. Precedent Set In Court For Mis-sold Life Insurance On Mortgages

Eight years earlier (2014) I managed to recoup what I considered to be mis-sold life insurance policies associated with mortgages. The clients had been told that a life insurance policy was a requirement for the bank providing a mortgage loan.

Applying For Spanish Nationality Options.

There are various ways that you can acquire Spanish nationality: Modos de adquisición Ways of obtaining Spanish nationality: Residencia (Residency. ) Carta de naturaleza (This form of acquisition of nationality is ex gratia and is not subject t

Should Foreigners Carry Passport/id And Documented Proof Of Residency Status?

Interpretation of the law is fundamental in determining the meaning of a legal document. It assists the judiciary to implement the law efficiently. We are all aware of barristers arguments in any court room as he/she interprets a law that may h

Family Law Cases Involving Eu After 31 December 2020

For families returning to the UK or need to know the jurisdiction of laws and court sentences or going through a court procedure. Government UK

Relocate To Spain In 2021 Under Spain’s Domestic Immigration Law Seminar

For those wishing to relocate to Spain from January 1. 2021, CAB Spain are holding a Zoom Seminar on January 3rd 2021.  Full information on the link below:   Zoom Relocation Seminar For those who wish to contact a professional immigration