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Information On The European Parliamentary/spanish Local Elections 2019

Information and FAQS for the local elections provided by the Spanish government. Only in Spanish and regional languages. Right hand click for option to translate to your language on your computer. Information on the European elections provided

Hidralia Water-could You Have Entitlement To Subsidies?

Some residents of towns and municipalities where Hidralia are the water provider are eligible for significant support in paying their bills. Hidralia, have subsidised tariffs in many towns, with the aim of improving the lives of those who live t

Extensive List Judicial Translators/interpreters In Spanish Towns And Abroad

  List from the Spanish Ministry of the Exterior Updated 2020, starts page 18 Not vetted by CAB Spain so would appreciate your feedback.

Cctv Cameras In Community Of Properties – Legality

Is it legal to place video vigilance cameras in the communal areas of a Community, to prevent crime and vandalism, for example? First of all, our FAQ with general info on the legality of CCTV camera´s on private property. FAQ from website Speci

Cctv Cameras Installed On Property – Allowed In Spain?

For full info read the file from the Agencia de Protección de Datos, the Data Protection Agency – in Spanish. Spanish may be difficult for many so we suggest speaking to the company where you buy your cameras or the company that will inst

Communities Law-ley De Propiedad Horizontal

The law governing communities of owners including Apartments, town houses and villas in a community. The law is in Spanish and the translate option on your computer should give you a good idea but do be diligent with translations. The link below

What Are The Rules On Plants On Boundaries?

The law contemplates a division known as a medianerio/medianera which could be a fence or wall that serves as a division between two properties and agreed by both neighbours. This can be two meters in height so approx. six feet. There are also r

Can I Pay My Community Fees To Other Than The Administrators?

For those property owners who have a plausible reason to not wish to pay their community fees to their administration company, may place the fees with a notary or the courts. Suggested person is a good notary who can also be brought in to mediat

Can I Become A Candidate For The European Elections?

Yes you can. Please visit this LINK for full information.

Can I Vote In The European Elections?

. Yes you can if a EU citizens and those from other countries with an agreement resident in Spain you can vote in the European elections. Visit this EU Commission LINK for full information. Note* June 20 2018. There will be no change to the rig