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Which Are The Non Business Days For 2021 (dias Inhabiles)?

In reference to official letter when you must response or appeal within a certain time period. The letters should state “dias habiles” which are working days therefore not counting the non working days, “dias inhabiles”.

Which Country Can Tax You?

There are no EU-wide rules that say how EU nationals who live, work or spend time outside their home countries are to be taxed on their income. However, the country where you are resident for tax purposes can usually tax your total worldwide inc

Changing Residency From Non-eu Country To Spain. Import Info Tax Office

Info from the Spanish Tax Office about importing goods when taking up residency here and coming from a nonEU country. Valid for Spain mainland and the Balearic Islands, for the Canaries you need to consult the information from the local tax auth

Fiscal Residency 2020 For Non-residents - Any Allowances For Covid19?

Speculations about how the Spanish Tax Office would treat non-residents that would exceed 183 days in Spain in 2020 due to being ‘stuck’ because of COVID, have now been confirmed by the publication of Hacienda’s binding answer

Covid-19 Ertes And Income Tax (renta) 2020 (declare 2021)

As ERTE payments are unemployment benefits paid out by SEPE, they will be seen as another source of income from work for the purpose of your resident’s income tax RENTA in 2021, over tax year 2020. This could cause you to be obliged to fil

Problems With The Hacienda/tax Office Website?

You can use THIS LINK to communicate them and be called back for further assistance, to contact them on Twitter or to start a Chat-thread. On the page also info on how to contact the tax office for other issues, related to taxes.

Renta 2019 - Appointment System For Personal Assistance Starts Today 5.6.2020

The tax office starts the personal assistance campaign to help residents with their RENTA income tax declaration over tax year 2019. You can make an appointment as of today, for dates as of Monday the 8th of June. Info re dates and deadlines RE

Tax Offices Gradually Re-opening To The Public

Progressive reopening of the Tax Agency offices As of May 26, the Tax Agency offices located in areas that are in Phase II of the de-escalation process established by the health authorities are again open for face-to-face attention. At the momen

Renta - How To File Telematically Through Representative

You can authorise someone else, doesn’t have to be a legal person, to do certain tax procedures for you. The RENTA resident’s income tax declaration is one of them. Convenient if you prefer not to give a gestor or accountant a copy o

New Helpline Spanish Tax Office

Info on the Tax Office’s website. You only have to click the relevant icon on your device and the call will be made. Horario: from Monday to Friday from 9 to 19 hrs. Calls will be covered by your contracted Internet data and you need a mic