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Temporary Residence/work Authorisation/visa For Noneu

Generally to be applied for from your home country, at the Spanish Consulate there, before you go to Spain. Info for those who plan to work as self employed (autonomo) HERE and for those who will be working as employee on a work contract (cuent

How Is The Ibi Calculated?

The town hall of each municipality sets how much real estate tax (IBI) is to be paid for the properties that are located in its territory. The tax is calculated over the catastral value of a property. From the Catastro website: What is the ratea

Change Visa From Non Lucrative To Working Or Other

Is possible provided you meet the requisites. To change from non-lucrative to a residency visa that allows you to work here, you must have resided in Spain for at least one year. You do not have to return to your home country to apply.   Fu

Business Plan For Residency Authorisation Non-eu Self Employed

This website from the Spanish Government offers a ´how to´ when preparing a business plan to accompany your application for residency Authorisation (non EU) on the basis of Self Employment. LINK TO WEBSITE

Application For A Duplicate Stolen Or Lost Tie

You will need. 1. Passport or travel title or, as the case may be, valid registration card. 2. One recent photographs, in colour, on a white background, permit (carnet) size. 3. EX17 two copies. 4. Payment of the corresponding fee (TASA Modelo 7

Extensive List Judicial Translators/interpreters In Spanish Towns And Abroad

  List from the Spanish Ministry of the Exterior Updated 2020, starts page 18 Not vetted by CAB Spain so would appreciate your feedback.

Am I A Permanent Resident? Updated Version

We feel it necessary to update our FAQS from three years ago and remove what CAB believes to be erroneous information provided on the European Commission website. We have also advised the EU Commission of what we consider to be an error. CAB ha

Requisites For A Certificate Of Permanent Residence Of Citizens Of The European Union

All EU citizens and their EU and non-EU family members have the automatic right to permanent residency after five years of legal residency in Spain. In some cases the right is acquired after three years of legal residency. (Information). The inf

Updating Your Registration Certificate To Include Permanent Status

On this LINK is the full information about permanent residency status. Where it can be seen that permanent status does not have to be applied for but is an automatic status for those who have resided legally in Spain for five years or more. It i

Renew Residency Authorisations (non-eu) Online

Through the online office of the Public Administratons. Box to click to continue with the online procedure at the bottom of the information. LINK Extranjería You can apply in the window starting 60 days before your authorisation runs out, till