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The Law In Spain

Can The Tie Be Used In Place Of A Valid Passport?

The answer is no. For those who require an explanation. The information is drafted into the Spanish law on the rights or and obligations of foreigners in Spain. Extract from the Ministry of the Interior. The TIE. Concept: Note*  In my view, the

Which Are The Non Business Days For 2021 (dias Inhabiles)?

In reference to official letter when you must response or appeal within a certain time period. The letters should state “dias habiles” which are working days therefore not counting the non working days, “dias inhabiles”.

Solvit Will No Longer Be Covering The Rights Of Uk Nationals In The Eu

SOLVIT will no longer cover the rights of UK nationals exercising EU free movement rights as from 1 January 2021. Any complaints received from UK nationals involving EU legislation will need to be referred to the European Commission through th

New Drivers Regulation - Preview Novelties

From the online DGT Magazine, published 10.9.2020. The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) plans to approve the modification of the General Drivers Regulation that will mean the transposition of Directive 2006/16 of the European Union into Span

Register On The Padrón Before Residency Or Not? Plus Faqs

Whenever such a question arises on our Facebook forum, we get a plethora of responses when members share their experiences.  Members who had to register on the census before being provided with the residency certificate and those that registere

Extension To The State Of Alarm Now Official

Congress has agreed that the State of Alarm should stay in place until midnight on the 11th of April.

Rental Deposits Madrid

Info HERE Link to FAQs in the column on the left.

Renting A Room - Any Tenant's Protection?

Tenant’s protection is guaranteed for long term rentals, for ‘uso vivienda’ in the Spanish Urban Lease Law (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos or LAU). Status quo in September 2019: 5 years (or 7 if the landlord is a business). The

Bars & Restaurants, Legally Obliged To Serve Free Tap Water?

The very short answer is no, in most of the Autonomous Regions there is no law that obliges bar and restaurant owners to serve their clients tap water without charge. There are laws that regulate this in the regions of Navarra, the Balearic Isla

Requisites Setting Up An Online Shop

No opening licence needed, as you don’t have actual premises from where you sell to the public, but there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that you will have to comply with. First, you need to register as self employed Autonom