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What Are The Electricity Time Bands?

Here is the information on the different hours in time bands in relation to the cost. Time Bands

Hidralia Water-could You Have Entitlement To Subsidies?

Some residents of towns and municipalities where Hidralia are the water provider are eligible for significant support in paying their bills. Hidralia, have subsidised tariffs in many towns, with the aim of improving the lives of those who live t

Electricity - Consumer Info Re Contracts

The Real Decreto Ley from October last year did not just get rid of Sun Tax and provided info about the new Bono Social, but also contains information about new consumer rights with regards to your electricity contract. Info from October 2018 In

No More Sun Tax And Bono Social Amplified

Article from our website.   HERE

What Is The Electricity Smart Meter?

Here is some information from one of the electricity suppliers in English Spanish and Catalan language. Smart Meters

How Do I Change Title Holder Of Utilities Contract?

Once you are the new title holder of utilities either as owner or tenant, you can change the contract into your name.  Details below from: Endesa Iberdrola

Complaints Iberdrola

The first step would be to contact Iberdrola via the complaints site below. Drop down menu for English.   Customer Arbitration System   If you do not receive satisfaction, the suggest that you contact your regional Arbitration Board. T

Reduction In Water Charges Alicante

Fondo Social. For full information visit the website below. You can also enquire if you are enttiled to the reduction by visiting the company, town hall or social services. Aguas de Alicante

Reduction In Water Costs Torremolinos

The City of Torremolinos applies reduced rates to pensioners, people with low incomes and people in unemployment. Full information found in the Spanish website or visit your town hall, water company or social services for assistance with the app

Reduction In Water Costs Barcelona.

For full information on the three tariffs and who is entitled to these. Visit the water companies website. Aguas de Barcelaona