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The Law In Spain

How And Where To Denounce Animal Abuse

The ´Animal Party´/ Partido Animalista PACMA has developed a website called ¨Yo Denuncio / I denounce¨ with information on how and where to denounce animal abuse with the relevant authorities. Also guides you through the process of writing Â

How Can I Find A Lawyer In Spain?

Visit the legal and lawyers section by using the link below.   Lawyers

Holiday Rentals Galicia – New Law To Be Approved

Announced as to be approved after the summer of 2016, to inform yourselves, here the info from the Galician Government about requisites that will apply to renting out your usual home /vivienda for holiday purposes, renting periods up to 30 days

Travellers – Goods/items You Can Or Cannot Bring Into Spain

Info from the Tax Agency. Some items/goods you cannot bring with you, some only with accompanying paperwork. On others no restrictions at all. LINK

Cctv Cameras Installed On Property – Allowed In Spain?

For full info read the file from the Agencia de Protección de Datos, the Data Protection Agency – in Spanish. Spanish may be difficult for many so we suggest speaking to the company where you buy your cameras or the company that will inst

Hunting Laws Valencia

Please read the info provided on the government website. LINK For the dates on which can be hunted in season 2017/2018 please have a look at this pdf. The times, relative to sunrise/sunset are mentioned on the Annexo at the end of the file. DATE

Can I Collect Child Maintenance If One Parent Lives Abroad?

Within the EU there are now legal systems put in place for cross border cooperation or court judgements. Find the information below on the UK government website. Child Maintenance One Parent Living Abroad From Your Europe. Maintenance Obliga

Rental Deposit Murcia Region

In the Autonomous Region of Murcia you can deposit the rental deposit with the authorities. LINK with info. I strongly suggest calling the telephone number for further practical info, as the website does not provide that information. Form to req

What Are The Regulations On Dog Ownership?

You will find that each town hall and autonomous region has it’s own regulations on dog ownership. There is also a national law. Ask your town hall for a copy of the ‘ordenanza’ in relation to dogs and or other domestic animals

How To Apply For Spanish Nationality?

Edited due to the government changing urls to relevant information.  2023.  Myra.,, If you have sufficient years registered in Spain, you would be eligible to apply through ‘Residency. Please note that since earlier this year you are req