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The Law In Spain

Can I Contact A Criminal Lawyer 24 Hours?

CAB Spain have found a criminal lawyer who offers this service in the Malaga province. We hope to add other regions when available. The emergency lawyer should only be contacted when there is an urgent need for a criminal lawyer. You may find yo

What Is A Denuncia?

Denuncia translated from Spanish basically means “Complaint”. In Spain we can consider that as more serious than making a complaint and more as in the English “Denounce” inform against. Once you denounce someone you shoul

Posting Photos On Facebook – Am I Allowed To?

Several laws in place that are relevant to this issue. La Ley de Protección al Honor, Intimidad y Propia Imagen (Protection of Honour, Privacy and Own Image) that ´translates´ an individual´s fundamental rights as stated in the Spanish Const

Metal Detectors – Legal To Use?

There is a law for Spain and also regulations in the regional communities. There are areas and beaches where there is a total ban. There are also many rules in relation to archeological sites. Please ask the guardia civil in your area or check y

Bee Keeping – Rules And Regulations

Apicultura, national regulations in this Royal Decree from 2002. Small summary with regards to minimum distances to urban centres, residential areas etc. 2. Los asentamientos apícolas deberán respetar las distancias mínimas siguientes respect

Compulsada Copies Of Original Documents

The alternative to carrying originals of documents is to take the originals to a Notary and obtain a Notary-produced “Copia Compulsada” of each of them. This MUST be done by a Notary on their own special numbered paper, then signed,

Dangerous Dogs Breed Register Valencia.

The information (in Spanish) includes a list of dogs plus full information on requisites and forms. Register Website Information

Colegio De Abogados/the College Of Lawyers

Can be contacted to make a complaint against a lawyer (similar to the law society). Colegio de Abogados Offices

Electronic Receipt / Invoice – Right To Refuse

An increasing number of shops, at the moment mostly those part of large international chains and insurance companies offer an electronic ticket or invoice, instead of a paper one. To be sent to you by email for example. Data gathered from a surv

List Of Electronic Offices Of All Government Agencies

Ranging from the Tax Office, to the Meteo Service AEMET, to Port Authorities, all Ministries etc. Available through this LINK