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Social Security - Inss / Caiss

Social Security Inss Website - Virtual Assistant

Automated translation of an article from the Moncloa website. This new medium is operational 24 hours a day for any questions about the procedures with Social Security. It uses artificial intelligence to have a conversation with users and solve

Coronavirus - Simplified Procedures Inss And Sepe Plus Faqs Sepe

During the State of Alarm, you will be able to access all necessary procedures to apply for benefits etc. without an electronic signature, so without the need for a digital certificate or a Cl@ve. For the INSS, for applications, communications o

Coronavirus- Closure Of Inss (social Security) Offices

From March 16 until further notice the Social Security offices will be closed. Any urgent procedures can be carried out online. There are links for various processes including sending documentation. The site is in Spanish but your computer shoul

Special Convenio For Non Professional Carers Of Dependent Family

If you are taking care of a family member and have obtained recognition as such and are receiving economic benefits through the Ley de Dependencia, and you are not a professional carer, you can subscribe to a special Convenio with the Tesorería

Extensive List Judicial Translators/interpreters In Spanish Towns And Abroad

  List from the Spanish Ministry of the Exterior Updated 2020, starts page 18 Not vetted by CAB Spain so would appreciate your feedback.

How To Report Labour Fraud Anonimously

There is a ‘buzón anónimo de denuncias de fraude laboral’ where you can report illegal or irregular labour situations online and anonimously.   LINK TO GOVERNMENT ‘BUZÓN’ You would have to tick the relevant situat

Where Can I Apply For A A1 Form?

The A1 form is used by cross border workers, to apply for in the country where they pay social security contributions, to present to the social security in the country where they are temporarily placed to work. In case of workers on a contract,

Online Notifications Seguridad Social

Like all government organisations, the Seguridad Social can send notifications about ´tramites´ they´ve started, debts, refunds etc., telematically. You can access them through their electronic office, with a digital certificate installed on

How To Change Registered Autonomo Activity Online

How to amend RETA activity. You can amend your registration if there was a mistake when you registered, or when you change your self employed activitity.   Through the Seguridad Social Online Office   With Digital Certificate, Cl@ve Pi

How To Obtain U1 Form From Uk

If you´ve worked abroad in a EU country and want to transfer any built- up entitlement to unemployment benefits to another EU country, you need to apply for a U1 form from the UK authorities to present to the authorities here in Spain. You can