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Social Security - Inss / Caiss

Certificate Of No Debt With Social Security?

Known as the  ‘Certificado de estar al corriente den las obligacioned de Seguridad Social (Certificate of being current with Social Security obligations). You can apply for this certificate from your local office of INSS. The certificate

Online Services Now Available From The Inss/social Security

These are some of the services now available online without the need to visit an office of the INSS: March 7.2016 Manage your maternity or paternity allowance. February 24.2016 Request pensions for widows and orphans. February 8, 2016 Request yo

Your Social Security (inss) Website In English/french

Navigate the site found here in English and French.

Complaint Against Seguridad Social - How To File One?

Please click THIS LINK to the information in English on how to file a complaint, or suggest improvements with regards to the services provided by the Seguridad Social (INSS) or the Treasury of the Seguridad Social (TGSS). You can complete the p

Do I Need To Offer Contract To Domestic Cleaner?

Yes you do, it can be a verbal contract if the arrangement is short term, for no more than 4 weeks. In writing as of 4 weeks. If the employee works less than 60 hours a month for an employer and he doesn´t have any other employees, they can agr