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Discounts Public Transport Extremadura

Available for the following groups of citizens: – Over 60 years – Persons benefiting from permanent disability contributory pensions, in their total, absolute or severe disability, recognized in the Social Security protection regimes

Can I Access My Spanish Pension Early?

Yes, you can, by maximum of 2 years, if you meet the requisites. Information from the Seguridad Social in English. LINK ‘JUBILACIÓN ANTICIPADA / EARLY RETIREMENT’  

Uk State Pension And Adult Dependency Increase - Ending 6th April 2020

From the UK Govt website. Adult Dependency Increase Adult Dependency Increase is a payment for a partner who is financially dependent on you. You may be getting this as part of your State Pension. Adult Dependency Increase closed to new applicat

Pension - Complemento Por Maternidad / Maternity Complement

The Spanish Social Security pension knows a complementary payment for those women who are also mothers, of at least 2 children. To compensate their generally shorter contribution period because of taking time out to take care of young children.

Unemployed After Working Over Pension Age - Right To Paro?

If you´re let go after working on a contract as pensioner, you´re not entitled unemployment benefits ´paro´ or unemployment subsidy ´subsidio´ if you´re already in receipt of a full contributive state pension, but the upside is that if yo

Guide Dwp State Pension Claim Form

Guide on how to fill out forms to claim your State Pension from DWP, how to get your UK pension paid out in Spain etc. LINK TO GUIDE Applying for your UK Pension by telephone

Pensioner Couples And Claiming Healthcare With S1

Whilst the UK and other EU countries will provide an S1 to cover healthcare in Spain for a pensioner and spouse, it is important to be aware that when the dependent spouse also reaches pensionable age, they should apply for the S1 in their own r

Pensioner In Spain - Who Pays Your Healthcare?

Read info following THIS LINK

Pension From Multiple Eu Countries - Who Pays Your Healthcare?

According to EU Directive from 1983 regarding the ´competent state´ re healthcare benefits for pensioners. ¨Which is the competent State? For the right to benefits in kind (healthcare), the competent State, which bears the cost of the benefit

International Pension Centre Uk (dwp) Contact Details

International Pension Centre Online: You can contact the International Pension Centre (IPC) on Twitter or using the online enquiry form.