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How Can Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Benefit You?

As an expatriate living in Spain; do you find that the Spanish bureaucratic system can be disconcerting? Have you discovered that the simplest of transactions are difficult to conclude? Find yourself searching for answers to problems only to discover that there is nowhere where you could find a solution? I am assuming that the answer is yes and that is why should be a member of our web site if you arent already.

Government Taking Legal Action Against 17 Airlines For Non-compliance Covid Refunds

The ministry responsible for the protection of Consumer Rights has observed that several airlines operating in Spain are not providing the correct information to users who, due to the cancellation of flights due to the pandemic, opt for their ri

Update On The Renewal Of Spanish Passports And Dni

Please note the link below which will provide full information. There is a link for making an appointment. Renewal Passport/DNI

Reminder Of The Basic Rules When Outside And Returning To Your Home

Outside your home: Avoid touching surfaces and when you do, wash your hands with water and soap as it’s more effective than wearing gloves. Avoid touching your nose, your mouth or your eyes. Maintain a social distance of 2 metres. Use mask

Tax Offices Gradually Re-opening To The Public

Progressive reopening of the Tax Agency offices As of May 26, the Tax Agency offices located in areas that are in Phase II of the de-escalation process established by the health authorities are again open for face-to-face attention. At the momen

Sixth Extension State Of Alarm Proposed

Extract from the speech by Pedro Sanchez on Spanish television on Sunday the 31st of May. The coming week Pedro Sanchez will ask the Consejo de Ministros to approve a sixth extension of the State of Alarm from the 8th to the 21st of June, but wi

Local Taxes - Fractioned Payment Ivtm, Ibi Etc.

The Patronato de Recaudación, the organisation that takes care of the incasso of local taxes for many Town Halls in the province of Málaga, offers to have the local taxes like IVTM, IAE, IBI and for some Towns, ‘basura’ as well, as

Spain To Open Its Borders Update May 29

29.5.2020 Further details from the government website were added to the post below and relates to the opening of corridors earlier than July 1 for the Schengen area: (still to be developed further). Full information

Over 1.4 Million Autonomos Get Their 'paro' Tomorrow The 29th Of May

Automated translation of an article on the Moncloa website. More than 1.4 million self-employed workers will receive the extraordinary benefit for self-employed workers promoted to face the COVID-19 crisis tomorrow. The amount foreseen for this

Most Of Spain Will Be In Phase 2 On Monday June 1

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Quarantine Rules For Arrivals In The Uk

There will be a 14 day quarantine self isolation with some exceptions.   Full Information Added Information