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Brexit Info From The Spanish Tax Office - Companies, Professionals And Non-resident Tax

Guides, info on customs and excise taxes, FAQs, informative meetings and lots more on THIS PAGE FROM THE AGENCIA TRIBUTARIA If you are a business owner or a professional here in Spain and have dealings with the UK, I strongly suggest opening all

Trading And Sending Goods From Spain To Uk And Vice Versa Post Brexit

Information from the Spanish Government re Customs during the transition period and after 1.1.2021, in English. HERE Further info from the Spanish Tax Agency for companies and professionals. HERE

Landlords And Tenants Long Term Rentals - Income Tax

Info from the Spanish Tax Office, in English, with regards to allowances, deductions with regards to long term lets. HOME RENTAL TAXATION Please note that for both landlords and tenants there used to be deductions in place, but they have been ab

Lottery Prizes - What About Tax?

The Holiday Season will be upon us shortly and many will no doubt partake in the Spanish costume of trying your luck with the many lotteries that will be selling tickets for drawings around Christmas, New Year and Three Kings. But what if you wi

Autonomo And Need Accreditation Of Being Up To Date With Tax Declarations?

If you are working as self-employed Autonomo and you want to make sure your gestor has filed all relevant tax declarations in the current tax year, you can apply for a certificate that accredits the ‘Autoliquidaciones’ made in your n

Autonomo Trading In Eu - Registro De Operadores Intracomunitarios

As an Autonomo in Spain, trading or providing services you invoice to company in another EU country, you need a NIF-IVA number to do so. To get this number, consisting of ES followed by your NIE number, you need to register on the Registro de Op

Law Of Second Chance - Debt Cancellation For Returning Autonomos/others

In Spanish ‘La Ley de Segunda Oportunidad’ enabling those that couldn’t make their business work and ended up being in debt, to have a large percentage of their debts (up to 70%) annulled when they want to try running their own

Telephone Support Services Tax Agency

Telephone support services of the Tax Agency. The Tax Agency has enabled several telephone lines 901, with variable cost if the call is made from landline or mobile, to guide the taxpayer and the autonomous or small business on different aspects

Requisites Setting Up An Online Shop

No opening licence needed, as you don’t have actual premises from where you sell to the public, but there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that you will have to comply with. First, you need to register as self employed Autonom

How To Check Status Renta Tax Return?

Info from the Tax Office, in English. HERE