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Children With Special Needs In Public Schools

Public schools are given the means to cater for special needs children, depending on the demand at a specific school. It’s essential to provide full information with regards to any special needs of your child, when you first register them,

Hidralia Water-could You Have Entitlement To Subsidies?

Some residents of towns and municipalities where Hidralia are the water provider are eligible for significant support in paying their bills. Hidralia, have subsidised tariffs in many towns, with the aim of improving the lives of those who live t

Extensive List Judicial Translators/interpreters In Spanish Towns And Abroad

  List from the Spanish Ministry of the Exterior Updated 2020, starts page 18 Not vetted by CAB Spain so would appreciate your feedback.

Convivencia Escolar / Good Behaviour At Schools

Schools in all regions of Spain organise events throughout the year, on the subjects of bullying, (gender) discrimination, peace in the world, gender violence, child abuse. To create awareness with the aim to prevent. And offer meetings, present

Right Of Family Member Of Eu Citizen To Remain After Divorce/legal Separation/de-registration Of Partnerships

Maintenance of the right of residence of the family members, in the event of death, departure from Spain, nullity of the marriage bond, divorce, legal separation or cancellation of registration as a registered couple, in relation to the holder o

Asked For Certificado De Concordancia?

For those wishing to change their nationality with regards to their registration as resident, e.g. from British passport to Irish or any other EU passport, you can be asked to provide a Certificado de Concordancia, to be obtained from the Britis

Maintenance Obligations - Support For Family Members

Full information on the website below. Language can be changed on the dropdown menu. Maintenance Obligations

1.000 Euros Cheque Guardería / Nursery Cheque

For those already able to claim the 1.200 IRPF reduction if the mother is working and has a child under the age of 3, an additional ´cheque´ of 1.000 euros to cover expenses if the child goes to an authorised nursery or child education centre.

British Citizen Born In Spain, Will My Child Have The Automatic Right To British Citizenship?

As British Citizens born in Spain will have acquired their right to citizenship from their parents born in the UK, are British Citizens by descent. This means that their children (grandchildren to the full British citizen) will not automatically

Residence Rights Of A Child Not Born In Spain Of Non Eu Parents

Full information from the article on the link below: Child not Born in Spain Residency