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On The Road

Change Foreign Driving Licence To Spanish – Why, When And How

Why? When the licence needs renewal (either about to expire or already expired): To comply with legislation that mandates that you should only renew you driving licence in your country of residence. So if you reside in Spain, you renew in Spain.

How Can I Change My Eu Driving Licence For Spanish Permit?

There are basically three options: 1. Use the traffic centres. Trafico DGT link below with Information in English, French and German: DGT 2. Use a ‘Gestor De Automoviles’ rather than a gestor. 3. Use a medical centre who will renew o

Alta After Temporary Baja Vehicle

Info on the DGT website. You´ll need to present certificate that the vehicle passed ITV-test and make an appointment at Trafico first. You will need to pay a small fee, online or at Trafico with a card, no cash accepted. Information in English

Pick Ups, Lorry Or Car As Per Spanish Regulations?

A new ´Instrucción´ from the DGT/Trafico explains that until now Pick Ups were considered to be Lorries, but as of this month they will be included in the Reglamento de Vehiculos as a separate category, thus following the European Directive f

Importing My Non Spanish Plated Vehicle?

Those taking up residency, holiday home owners or with business in Spain can import their vehicle into Spain and are only exempt from import duty if taking up residency. It will be considered that you are importing vehicle as your personal goods

Traffic Rules A Collection

Little known Traffic Rules

Can I Regain Categories Lost When Changing Driving Licence To Spanish Version?

Yes you can. You would have to order a Certificate of Entitlement from the DVLA. The certificate will have a list of all the categories you originally had. Then go to Trafico in your area, explain the situation and ask them to rectify. You will

Children And Road Sense

Booklet but only in Spanish are the regulations and information for teaching road sense to children. This includes information for cyclists. The general law for cyclists including children or adults riding on the pavement. It is not permissible

Sold Car But Received Road Tax (ivtm) Bill

When selling your vehicle say mid year. The full year road tax is payable by the title holder on January 1. Arrangements can be made with the purchaser to split the tax.

Cpc Certificate Of Professional Competence – Eu Recognition?

Well, it´s a bit confusing. What the EU calls CPC in their Directive from 2003, transposed into Spanish law in 2007, is called CAP by the Spanish Fomento Ministry. Latest update is from May 2018. Their info on recognition of the CPC certificate