!. Immediately contact your bank and report the fraud so that the bank can block your card.
2. Report the theft or cloning of the card to the police.
3. Can you recover the monies lost?
4. Positive as the bank has insurance to cover these cases.
5. Does not mean that the bank is going to accept their responsibility. If they do not you would need to instruct a lawyer as banks usually on act when a client enters into litigation. They win knowing that most will not take this action.
6. The banks will try to put the onus on you so to claim:
7. To claim the money lost, you must You have to prove that you acted diligently, that the account was blocked as soon as the user detected the theft, that you made a denuncia to the police. Make the claim in writing. The bank is likely to ask you or send the complaint to the ombudsman (Bank of Spain). The bank will likely not respond in the hope that you will give up.
8. If you do not have a positive response within a few weeks, instruct a lawyer.