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Register of Accredited Companies - Construction

In Spanish, Registro de Empresas Accreditadas (REA).

The purpose of the Accredited Companies Registry (REA) is to certify that the companies that operate in the construction sector meet the capacity and quality requirements for occupational risk prevention. Any company that intends to be hired or subcontracted for work on a construction site, must be registered in the Registry of Accredited Companies dependent on the labor authority where the company’s registered office is located. As of August 26, 2008 companies that hire or subcontract the performance of any work on a work, must prove that their contractor companies or subcontractors are registered in the Registry, requesting for this a certificate of registration.

The REA has been designed and implemented in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1109/2007, of August 24, which develops the law 32/2006, of October 18, regulating subcontracting in the Sector of the Construction.

Info from the Spanish Government with regards to the necessity for businesses established in other countries, who displace workers to Spain temporarily.

FAQS no. 2.9. The companies not established in Spain that move with their workers, do they have to register in the Register of Accredited Companies?

For companies that provide transnational services, a simplified registration procedure is envisaged, characterized by the following characteristics: Registration will not be necessary for trips of less than 8 days. The first communication of displacement required by article 5 of Law 45/1999, of November 29, will have the character of application for registration, to which must be attached the declaration on compliance with the requirement of solvency and business quality (model Annex IA Royal Decree 1109/2007). From the moment of the communication they will be considered provisionally registered, until the labor authority effectively registers or denies the inscription in its Registry. In the subsequent displacement communications, the registration number in the REA shall be stated.


Concrete examples of businesses that need to register in point 2.10 on the following link, exemptions under point 2.11.


The Autonomous Regions of Cataluña, Andalucia, La Rioja and Madrid have their own REA, you need to register where the company you will be subcontracted by, is located. Just Google ‘REA plus the name of the region’ to bring the relevant Register up.

LINK to REA Andalucia, as an example. You can register both online (need digital certificate installed on your computer) as in person (downloading appropiate form). Contact telephone and email on this link as well.

Registration is valid for 3 years and needs to be renewed after that, for same period.

Businesses in all other Autonomous Regions can register through the central register, selecting their autonomous region first (drop down menu on the left of the page, choose region and click ‘entrar’). You need a digital certificate or Cl@ve to access the registration module.


There are lots of guides available for representatives of businesses, the 2nd one in the list is for businesses from abroad, working in Spain.


Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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