December 8. 2022.
For those seeking more information:
“Environmental badge
The environmental badge is a way of classifying vehicles based on their energy efficiency, taking into account their environmental impact.
The purpose of classifying vehicles through the environmental badge is to positively discriminate vehicles that are more respectful of the environment and to be an effective instrument at the service of municipal policies, both restrictive of traffic in episodes of high pollution, and promotion of new technologies through tax benefits or those related to mobility and the environment. In some cities this environmental badge is already being used to restrict traffic on days of high pollution, prohibiting the circulation of vehicles that do not have it.
Although obtaining and placing the badge is voluntary, it must be done by affixing the sticker in the lower right corner of the front windshield, if available. Otherwise (in the case of motorcycles), in any visible part of the vehicle.What does each of the badges mean?
Although obtaining and placing the badge is voluntary, it must be done by affixing the sticker in the lower right corner of the front windshield, if available. Otherwise (in the case of motorcycles), in any visible part of the vehicle.
There are four environmental badges created based on the environmental impact of the vehicles and they will classify and grade the 50% most efficient fleet. From highest to lowest efficiency they would be:
0 Emissions Label, Blue Help: Identifies the most efficient vehicles. They will be entitled to this label battery electric (BEV), extended range electric (REEV), plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV) with a range of 40 km or fuel cell vehicles.
Eco Help Label: The following in the efficiency step, it is mostly hybrid vehicles, gas or both. They will be entitled to this plug-in electric label with a range of less than 40 km, non-plug-in hybrids (HEV), vehicles powered by natural gas and gas (CNG and LNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). They must meet the criteria for label C.
Label C, Green Help: Internal combustion vehicles that comply with the latest EURO emissions. Passenger cars and light gasoline vans registered from January 2006 and diesel from September 2015 will be entitled to this label. Vehicles with more than 8 seats and heavy vehicles, both gasoline and diesel, registered since 2014.
Label B, Yellow Help: Internal combustion vehicles that, although they do not comply with the latest EURO emission specifications, do comply with previous ones. Passenger cars and light gasoline vans registered since January 1, 2001 and diesel from 2006 will be entitled to this label. Vehicles with more than 8 seats and heavy vehicles, both gasoline and diesel, registered since 2006.
The rest of the vehicles, the 50% most polluting, are not entitled to any type of badge as they do not meet the requirements to be labeled as a clean vehicle.
How and where to acquire the environmental label
The issuance of the label with the corresponding distinctive has a cost of €5. However, the price may be increased with shipping costs and other concepts, and may vary from one seller to another.
Once it has been verified that you have the right to an environmental badge, the acquisition and purchase of environmental badges can be done through:
Post Offices
Network of workshops of the Spanish Confederation of workshops (CETRAA) and other networks of authorised workshops
Administrative Managers
Institute of Automotive Studies (IDEAUTO)
In the case of fleets, you can obtain the badges through the Ganvam association
Badge validity
The badge is valid for driving in Spain. If you are going to circulate with your vehicle in Germany, Austria, Denmark, France or another country with an environmental cataloging system, you should inform yourself before going about whether it is necessary to obtain a badge in the country you are traveling to, how to do it and the criteria for to be able to circulate
Am I required to put it in my vehicle?
No. Placing the badge is voluntary. However, there are municipal ordinances that can regulate or even limit the circulation of your vehicle depending on the badge it has, so we advise you to consult the ordinances of your municipality in this regard, so we recommend that you wear it.
If I do not wear the badge, can I benefit from the advantages?
No. Given that the utility of the badge is that the agents can easily discriminate the most ecological vehicles at a glance (for example on days of high pollution), if you do not wear it visible it is impossible for them to do so, therefore even if your car complies with the requirements, you will not be able to benefit from the advantages that the different badges entail.
This will become a ruling for all towns with a population of 50,000 plus. Expected to enter into force by 2025 or earlier. Consider the towns can make their own regulations as regards which vehicles with which eco-sticker they wish to enter the towns. This will be this will relate to parking there also. If you want further information should speak to the town hall about their normativa and when it will be in place“
Added information by Myra.
Which vehicles will not qualify?
All contaminating vehicles, in three groups:
Tourism vehicles and light vans, fuelled by regular petrol, matriculated before January 2000.
Tourism vehicles and light vans, fuelled by diesel, matriculated before January 2006.
Heavy vans and vehicles with more than 8 seats, both gas and diesel-fuelled, matriculated before January 2005.
Where to check if you should receive a sticker for your vehicle and for which category?
Through this link on the DGT Website. Info about the categories there as well, click on the pictures to bring it up.
New vehicles will receive the sticker together with the ´permiso de circulación´.
Is it obligatory to place the sticker on my vehicle’s windscreen?
No, it´s not, but recommended, in bottom right corner, for easier identification of vehicles when they enter ´low emission ´zones where access is restricted to certain Eco-categories only. You must carry it with you in the vehicle though, to be able to produce it when requested. In future, low-emission zones with restricted access will be monitored by cameras, so placing the sticker on the windscreen of the vehicle makes sense, to avoid having to appeal possible fines.
What if you haven´t received a sticker or the info on the sticker is not conform your ITV card or certificate?
Then you need to make an appointment at Trafico, through this link. Bring ITV data, Permiso de circulación and the sticker, if relevant, and ask for ´revisión de catalogación´.
Where in Spain will access possibly be restricted, if my vehicle is not eligible for one of the Eco Stickers?
In Barcelona this will be in force as of December 2017. Access to the zone within the ´ring´ will be restricted to vehicles with Eco stickers when the contamination levels so indicate, on approx. 3 to 5 days a year. This will be signposted on all access roads to the city.
As of January 2019, all access will be denied to all tourism vehicles from before 1997 and all vans from before 1994 in the entire metropole of Barcelona, so including suburbs, and to all other vehicles without Eco Sticker to the area within the ´Rondas´.
Latest news re limited access to Barcelona as of January 2020. Info in English HERE as well.
Register your foreign plated vehicle HERE.
Latest news re limited access to and parking in Madrid as of January 2020.
Barcelona is offering incentives to owners of these affected vehicles to use public transport instead.
Other large cities in Spain and other EU countries are expected to follow. More info in this FAQ from our website.
And from this website with Urban Access Regulations Europe.
Foreign plated vehicles information from the DGT. choice of languages
UK plated vehicles from the UK Government site:
Vehicle restrictions
Some cities in Spain have introduced emergency anti-pollution protocols to limit exhaust emissions when air pollution levels are high. When activated, vehicle access is restricted and speed limits are imposed. Follow the instructions of the local authorities.
Madrid and Barcelona operate permanent low emission zones which require all vehicles (including foreign registrations) to meet specific exhaust emission standards in order to be granted entry. Vehicles that comply will be issued an eco-sticker (‘distintivo ambiental’) or equivalent from the Spanish Traffic Authority (DGT) which determines its ability to circulate and park in the zone. Access requirements vary and foreign number plated vehicles may be required to register or accredit their exhaust emissions with the local authorities prior to accessing the zone. Unregistered vehicles who do not meet emission standards will be issued a penalty notice. If your hotel or accommodation is located in a low emission zone, check which access provisions are available to guests (i.e. car park, one-day passes etc.).
See the MadridCentral and Barcelona Ring Roads Low Emission Zone websites for further information.