Scroll down for update: extended validity.
Automated translation from a recent addition to the Government website with information about COVID Measures for workers.
MECUIDA: Special leave of absence
The Government has established measures to care for those who have dependents in their charge. We want to give those who take charge of the care the possibility of organizing their work time in the most satisfactory way to be able to attend to this care. For this we implement a special leave of absence.
What features does the MECUIDA have?
It is not a paid leave, but it allows those who agree to stay at home without being fired or sanctioned.
Beneficiaries may reduce up to 100% of their working hours, or reorganize it, to face the closure of schools and other social care centres.
The modification of the working day that is requested will be limited to the duration of the exceptional period.
What if my child has tested positive for COVID?
In that case, the parent who has to quarantine with the child, will be entitled to compensation for hours worked less from the Seguridad Social, 75% of wages. But in the case that a child has tested negative, but still needs to quarantine for having been in contact with someone who has tested positive, the person taking care of the child and has to accommodate their working hours to do so, will not receive remuneration for these hours not worked.
What can I do to adapt my day if I have this permission?
You can request, for example, the following modifications:
Shift change
Schedule alteration
Flexible schedule
Split or continued workday
Change in the way the work is provided (including the provision of remote work or any other change in conditions available)
Who can access this permission?
Employed persons who demonstrate duties of care regarding the spouse or domestic partner, as well as regarding their relatives by consanguinity up to the second degree of the worker. So husband/wife, children, grandparents or grandchildren. IMPORTANT: Only those who, due to circumstances related to Covid-19, are not already in charge of this care or assistance will be considered.
What is the procedure to request the permit?
The reduction of working hours must be communicated to the company 24 hours in advance.
The adaptations of the working day must be requested in a “justified, reasonable and proportionate” manner, to accommodate the organizational needs of the company.
Until when is this plan in force?
Update: until the 31st of January 2021. Originally until the 22nd of September, but according to the Minister of Work the government has the intention to extend its validity.