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COVID-19 - Back to School In September

Automated translation of an article published on the Moncloa website on 10.6.2020.

The Ministries of Health and Education and Vocational Training have prepared a document, which will be presented tomorrow to the autonomous communities at the Sectorial Conference on Education, whose objective is to propose a consensual strategy to offer a safe and healthy environment to the students and staff of the educational centres, in order to resume face-to-face activity in September.

The text also indicates the way to carry out the early detection of possible cases of COVID-19 and the proper management of them.

The basic principles governing defined measures are contact limitation, personal prevention measures, case management, and cleaning and ventilation. In addition, transversal actions are established such as the reorganization of the centre, coordination and participation, communication and education for health and equity.

Each centre must have, as a complement to this base document, a Course Start Plan and Contingency Plans that foresee the actions to be carried out and the necessary coordination mechanisms for the possible scenarios that may arise. In this way, it is proposed that there be a responsible person of reference for aspects related to COVID-19. The creation of a team, made up of different representatives of the educational community, is also recommended to guarantee that everyone is informed as well as compliance with the principles.

Contact limitation and prevention measures
In early childhood education, up to the 4th year of Primary Education included, it has been defined that stable groups of students can be established, ideally with 15 students (maximum 20), who can socialize without strictly maintaining interpersonal distance, since it is a stable group of coexistence. This will also enable quick and easy contact tracking in the event that there is a case.

On the other hand, in 5th and 6th of Primary Education, Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, the spaces will be reorganized so that there is a separation of at least 1.5 meters between the tables.

Priority will also be given, to the extent possible, to the use of outdoor spaces for educational and leisure activities, rather than closed ones.

An important section is personal prevention measures, such as frequent and meticulous hand hygiene, avoiding touching your nose, eyes and mouth or using disposable tissues. Regarding the mask in infant education it is not compulsory and in Primary, from 1st to 4th, its use will not be necessary if the children are with the stable group of coexistence. When they leave the group, they should wear it when they cannot keep the distance of 1.5 meters.

For students from 5th grade onwards, the use of a mask will be compulsory when an interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained, but not when sitting at the desk.

Compliance with these measures will be promoted with health education strategies as well as with child-friendly signage and signage that facilitate their understanding.

Cleaning and ventilation
Each centre must have a cleaning and disinfection protocol that meets its characteristics, but in any case, cleaning must be done at least once a day, reinforcing it in those spaces that require it depending on the intensity of use, such as for example in the toilets where it will be at least three times a day.

Frequent ventilation tasks should be carried out in the facilities and for at least five minutes at the beginning of the day, at the end and between classes, whenever possible. When weather conditions and the building allow it is advisable to keep the windows open as long as possible.

Management of possible cases
The document on measures of prevention, hygiene and health promotion indicates that a person who begins to develop symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in the educational centre they will need to follow a protocol of planned action: they will be taken to a separate space for individual use , a surgical mask will be put on (both those who have started symptoms and the person who is taking care of them) and the family will be contacted.

They must call the health centre or the reference telephone number of their autonomous community or city, and/or its Occupational Risk Prevention Service in the case of workers, and their instructions will be followed. In case of presenting symptoms of seriousness or respiratory distress, call 112.

Public Health will be in charge of identifying and monitoring contacts according to the surveillance and control protocol in force in the corresponding autonomous community.

Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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