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CAB Spain Team Blogs

Blogs from the Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Team

Black Clouds And Silver Linings

First published in the Costa del Sol Action Group magazine  2010. With our expatriate retirees in mind The rain in Spain is falling on just about everyone. It is apparent that the planet is suffering a crisis not experienced in many decades. Fo

Spanish Nationality For Sephardic Jews

The right for Sephardic Jews who originated in Spain to claim Spanish nationality which had been denied to them for some years has been reinstated. This is by the law 12/2015 24 June. Spain to correct the injustice of 1492 when the Sephardic Jew

European Day Of Languages

Did you know today, 26th of September 2015, is European Day of Languages? And did you know that all information that the European Parliament publishes, is available in multiple languages? Check THIS LINK for more info on this subject.

How To Make Your Voice Heard In Europe - Active Citizenship

A new publication from the EU, on how to make your voice heard in Europe, it´s called ´European Passport to Active Citizenship´. A guide on how to use the European Citizens´ Initiative, a Participation Toolkit, European Issues etc. LINK to d

Exceptional Service From Citizens Advice Bureau Personnel

An email from a CAB UK office has prompted me to embark on this blog which could be a ‘get it of your chest’ from a CAB volunteer. More details on the UK office staff actions below. Most citizens that benefit from the many Citizens A

Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Charity, Please Help Us To Help You.

Edited version 04/10/2015. The Citizens Advice Spain is a registered charity and provides the advice people need for the problems they face. With education and information we are empowering the public to help themselves. In most cases our advice

Recent Eu Publications And App

Smart Radio Monitor App The European Commission crowd-sourcing project is designed to gather and share radio spectrum data about mobile telephony coverage, WIFI channel occupancy, broadband and net neutrality. Anyone with a recent smart phone (A

Goodbye Spain. A Willing Departure Or A Subliminal Inducement?

Recently, we are receiving enquiries from expats who have become residents in the last few years, not as yet from any permanent residents. These legal residents of Spain have received notification from their provincial offices of ‘extranje

Citizens Advice International Conference Gibraltar 2015

The  conference ‘Pathways to Resolutions’ was opened by the chief minister Fabian Picardo, introduction and welcome by the Hon. Steven Linares and hosted by CAB Gibraltar was attended by Richelle de Wit and Myra Azzopardi from C

Cab Spain Has Been Invited To The Citizens Advice International Conference

We are pleased and proud to announce that CAB Spain has been invited to the Citizens Advice International Conference to take place in Gibraltar on the 22/23 of June. The invitation was made to me personally by Pilar Hernandez who is the chairpe