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CAB Spain Team Blogs

Blogs from the Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Team

Surgeries/referrals/procedures Do Have A Maximum Wait Time?

In the past weeks I have heard and answered many questions about people waiting huge amounts of time for surgeries, so let’s go over the facts, and your rights again. Law that regulates maximum wait time for surgeries: Each autonomous communit

Nonresidents. The European Court Of Justice Rules In Your Favour In Relation To Inheritance Taxes

I personally abhor injustices of all types but my foremost concern focuses on what occurs in Spain and how certain rulings which are imposed affect our migrant community. The laws relating to taxes have often been prejudicial to the nonresident.

Eu To Sign Agreement With Colombia Re Assistance In Management Of Crisis

This was the headline (free translation) of a recent BOE publication that landed in my mailbox and piqued my curiosity. In what way, I wondered, would the Republic of Colombia be able to assist the European Union in situation of crisis. Deliver

Healthcare Check-ups For Women

I will describe here what gynaecological screening is done in Andalucía, other autonomous communities might do something different, but usually the differences are minimal. When in doubt, check at your healthcare centre. There is always a prot

The Four Euro Telephone Call. Never Again!

Last  week I was in the car with my children, when I was exiting the highway I noticed that a car was parked, semi blocking the exit. At least 4 cars passed, looked at the car and continued. When I reached the stopped car, I saw a clearly distr

Why And When The Complaint Letter Works

Recently I was faced with this problem: a lady was being seen by a consultant, and she had been told to come back in three months’ time. But in the meantime, she felt worse, she could not wait the three months. And she also did not want to go

The Gauze That Cost 128 Euro (travelling In Europe With The Ehic)

When you travel in Europe, it does NOT matter WHERE you come from, but were you ARE. This means that you will be using the healthcare system as any citizen of the country you are in. If citizens of that country pay 30% of treatment costs, you wi

‘al Fresco Dining’ Does Spain Lack Smoke Free Areas?

Most tourists come to Spain for diverse reasons. One of the essentials is that Spain’s renowned magnificent weather accompanies them during their visit. For expatriate residents and visitors alike, it is customary to enjoy sitting outside in o

Sepe Collaboration In Europe

SEPE Collaboration in Europe One of the principal objectives of Strategic Europe 2020 is to reach an employment level of 75% of the European population between 20 and 64 years of age, with emphasys on creating more jobs for the young. The Public

How Our Organisation Saves And Accumulates Wealth For Our Members

It is a beautiful and typically hot May afternoon in Andalucía. I could not avoid taking out my laptop and sitting in a cool area of my patio to draft a short blog. Here at the Citizens Advice Bureau Spain, we do many things. Besides the obviou