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CAB Spain Third Seminar. We all Look Forward to Seeing you There.

With only eighteen days to go to our third seminar to be held in the hotel LaCumbre Mázarron Murcia on the 17th of October, I begin to recollect images of our last two successful seminars. The first was held last October 2013 in Mijas Málaga and the second in February at a Manilva Hotel also in Málaga. On both occasions we had a fantastic turnout with some travelling from as far afield as Cordoba and Nerja, Some of our members spent the night at the Tamisa hotel in Mijas as did I. This gave us a moment of relaxation together were binding friendships were formed.

We had only been in existence for a little more than three months when we publicly presented Citizens Advice Bureau Spain to our members.This courages step taken was a resounding success and culminated in members asking us to visit their regions to provide information and give advice. For our first seminar we had planned to give the speakers two hours with a recess halfway through for refreshments (those who attended will remember that contrary to what we might have thought, you did not want us to stop) and for the speakers to continue to provide information that we were assured our attendees had not been aware of. This included the availability of free healthcare and the facts on our EU driving licences, how to benefit from various reductions for residents in Spain, making the most out of the NHS, building and content insurances and much more.

One of the lawyers with expertise in the field of bank products spoke about the abusive clauses in most mortgage contracts in Spain They had been talking about these clauses with me and expats way back in 2007 when nobody seemed aware of these. Our lawyers have been responsible for removing hundreds of these clauses from mortgages and succeeded in the reimbursement of thousands of euros to homeowners. Some of these success stories have since included many of our members. A fact that I find incredulous. OF ALL THE MORTGAGE CONTRACTS WITH ABUSIVE CLAUSES, ONLY 5% OF THOSE WITH THESE CLAUSES HAVE CLAIMED AGAINST THEIR BANKS.

At the second seminar, we here honoured by the presence of the distinguished Judge, Agustin Azparren Lucas. Agustin kindly explained the judicial system in Spain and the differences to the laws in other EU countries. We have invited him to be present in Mázorron. We are hoping that he will not only give up his spare time, but we willing to travel up from Marbella.

It was such a pleasure to meet and to actually put faces to the names of those whom we had assisted, informed or shared their experiences with CAB on our Facebook group page. The team will arrive in Murcia with the same enthusiasm that we had on previous events. All the speakers have prepared our topics of discussions and also will diversify depending on the needs of our audience. Note that we will end the evening with a ‘questions and answers’ section.

All the details including speakers are published on our events pages both on Facebook and our website. The website link includes a booking form for your free seat. The 17th falls on a Friday so if you just with to enjoy a night out and receive information that will benefit you, meet some of the CAB team, have a drink at a lovely hotel or all three. Remember there are rooms available for those who are travelling distances. We are also booked into what appears to be a lovely hotel.

We from CAB Spain contrary to what you may think we are aware of each and everyone of our 11.000 plus members, We are really looking forward to meeting those attending.

For those who have not seen the recording from our last seminar, you can flit through Parts 1 to 6 on You Tube. This is the link:


Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

How Can Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Benefit You?

As an expatriate living in Spain; do you find that the Spanish bureaucratic system can be disconcerting? Have you discovered that the simplest of transactions are difficult to conclude? Find yourself searching for answers to problems only to discover that there is nowhere where you could find a solution? I am assuming that the answer is yes and that is why should be a member of our web site if you arent already.