Monday June 27 2016
Talk Radio Europe live with Bill Padley. Bill and I discussing healthcare access in Spain for British Citizens.
The information provided in this recording is my understanding on the health system based on the reading of the law in Spain. As regards our residency certificates, this is my interpretation as we are presently on the register of citizens of the union.
In relation to the last question about those who are making applications for residency, driving licence, passports should continue. We are still members of the European Union.
The law below in relation to free healthcare for residents in Spain. This includes non EU and a Spanish Royal Decree and not an EU Directive.
The article in the Spanish (Decreto Real) Royal Decree-Law 16/2012, of 20 April.
3. En aquellos casos en que no se cumpla ninguno de los supuestos anteriormente establecidos, las personas de nacionalidad española o de algún Estado miembro de la Unión Europea, del Espacio Económico Europeo o de Suiza que residan en España y los extranjeros titulares de una autorización para residir en territorio español, podrán ostentar la condición de asegurado siempre que acrediten que no superan el límite de ingresos determinado reglamentariamente.
3. In cases where none of the previously established assumptions are met, people of Spanish nationality or any Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland who reside in Spain and foreign holders of an authorisation to reside in Spanish territory may hold the insured status provided they show proof that do not exceed the income limit determined by regulation.
I may have mentioned the non contributory pension is linked to the EU, not so a Spanish royal decree.
If there is any confusion, do not hesitate to contact us.