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Highly Acclaimed Judge/lawyer Agustín Azparren Lucas To Attend CAB Spain Seminar

Citizens Advice Bureau Spain would like to announce that Judge Agustìn Azparren Lucas has confirmed that he will be present at our third seminar to be celebrated in Màzarron next Friday the 17th October. We are honoured to have the opportunity of listening to this highly respected and distinguished Judge/lawyer.

Don Agustìn was also chosen to sit on the General Council of the Judiciary which is a body composed of: Twenty members between judges and lawyers of recognised competence and appointed by the king and elected by Parliament (Congress and Senate). From the body of 20 members, Don Agustin was amongst the six judiciary members chosen from the numerous Spanish judges and magistrates. Each member sits on the council for five years.

This excellent and renowned Judge/magistrate and author is very much in demand as a speaker in many regions to talk about various aspects of law in Spain.

The team would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Don Agustin and the other distinguished speakers for travelling distances to attend our seminar.

Those who have not booked their free places as yet, please do so via our booking form on our seminar link on the website link under events.

Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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