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Latest news from Citizens Advice Bureau Spain

Maternity/paternity Pay – Supreme Court Rules No Income Tax Retentions

Update 20.06.2019 The Tax Office has confirmed that those that applied for a refund of IRPF retentions before the ruling by the Spanish Supreme Court, and received a negative reply, are also entitled to the refund, provided they apply in time. N

New Eu Fuel Labelling For Road Vehicles

As of the 12th of October 2018, all fuel will be labelled uniformly throughout the EU countries. For a while, until this set implementation date, your petrol station will show both labels, to help you. Link to explanatory leaflet in English HERE

Universal Healthcare – Legal Ramifications

CAB advisors Myra and Richelle have had a meeting on the 19th of September with a lawyer from prestigious lawfirm in Fuengirola. The discussion was about the legal ramifications of the Universal Healthcare law that came into force on July 31st t

Cab Adviser And Paralegal To Attend Paralegal Conference Uk

Myra one of the CAB advisers and qualified paralegal will be attending the Institute of Paralegals Conference on October 12 2018. Myra will also be attending various courses during the day to amplify her already vast area of experience. Paralega

The Convenio Especial (healthcare Scheme) Abolished

Reinstated as the regions have not implied with the Universal Healthcare Law. The answer is that in Andalucia the answer is yes. The other autonomous communities are expected to follow. The answer from the department from health of Andalucia t

Approval Of Universal Healthcare July 27 2018

An explanation with translation taken from the government website Moncloa and translated into English. The modification of the RDL approved on Friday, July 27, 2018. Published today Monday July 30 2018. “The counsel of Ministers today has

Invoicing Coop – Legal Way To Obtain State Healthcare?

It appears it is. CAB Spain senior adviser Richelle can now state that the answer to this is yes. After assisting in two cases of expats paying into the system through an Invoicing Coop. The Coop pays into the Social Security on their behalf, f

Spanish Government General Budget 2018 – A Summary

The Government´s budget for 2018 has finally been approved. Below a summary of changes that might interest or affect members. Starting with a positive one: going to the movies is going to be cheaper as the IVA / VAT on tickets will go down from

Are The Uk/eu Allowing Citizens Rights To Be Sold Down The Swanny?

Most will be aware that yesterday the UK government held a meeting at chequers to discuss the future relationship with the EU. The agreement (according to the government) is to be put into a white paper and has caused furore amongst leave and re

Obliged To Charge For Plastic Bags From July 1 2018

The law that has been in force for some time will come into effect from July 1 2018. Prohibits the provision of free plastic bags at the point of sales. All the plastic bags placed on the market in the territory of the State, as well as the was