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CAB Spain’s First Legacy Gift

Posted in: Information Topic, Myra's Blog, News Articles,
Author: Myra Cecilia Azzopardi
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Your Gift.

CAB Spain is growing and each day we are more in demand to be able to provide a genuine service for all citizens. Furthermore the assistance demanded of us privately has exceeded all expectations. The abundant expressions of gratitude is rewarding but please remember we are a charity with no government funding. We depend on you to support us with your donations.

Leave a Legacy

UK CAB are accustomed to the fact that ordinary citizens leave legacies big and small knowing the service CAB provides. Leaving a gift to CAB Spain will help us to help you and your families now and in the future.
Imagine our surprise at having recently been told that CAB Spain registered charity has been kindly included in one of these legacies, CAB Spain is one of two charities listed as beneficiaries in a will from a member of the public who we have recently assisted. CAB Spain is grateful for this kind gesture.

Businesses may be interested in the tax benefits of donations.

Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

How Can Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Benefit You?

As an expatriate living in Spain; do you find that the Spanish bureaucratic system can be disconcerting? Have you discovered that the simplest of transactions are difficult to conclude? Find yourself searching for answers to problems only to discover that there is nowhere where you could find a solution? I am assuming that the answer is yes and that is why should be a member of our web site if you arent already.