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How Can Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Benefit You?

As an expatriate living in Spain; do you find that the Spanish bureaucratic system can be disconcerting? Have you discovered that the simplest of transactions are difficult to conclude? Find yourself searching for answers to problems only to discover that there is nowhere where you could find a solution? I am assuming that the answer is yes and that is why should be a member of our web site if you arent already.

Planning Your Estate Cab Spain Zoom Meeting

Taking place online on Sunday February 7 at 18.00 hours Madrid time. For the link for attending, email: info@citizensadvice.org.es   Zoom Seminar Planning your Estate

The Uk’s Exit From The Eu: Important Information For Uk Nationals

CAB Spain have avoided posting the numerous Uk governments notifications of their expectations for UK Nationals in the EU in the case of a no deal Brexit. Due to the change in the UK governments terminology in these papers. (the UK government ha

Cab Spain’s First Legacy Gift

Your Gift. CAB Spain is growing and each day we are more in demand to be able to provide a genuine service for all citizens. Furthermore the assistance demanded of us privately has exceeded all expectations. The abundant expressions of gratitud

Will Your Wishes In Your Spanish Testament Be Respected? Listen Live

Friday August 18 at 11.30. Bill Padley from TRE talks with Myra. All information on your frequency, listen online, call the studio directly or email, on the link below. Talk Radio Europe

Last Will And Testament For Spanish Assets

As many of you will know the new regulations on Wills and Succession came into force in the middle of August whilst most of us were on the beach, on holiday or hiding in the shade. The new rules mean that when a person dies the law of the countr

The Importance Of Drafting Your Will Before August 17/2015

Please note: There is nothing in the article below stating that the 17th is a cut off date for drafting new wills. CAB Spain has received many enquiries about the drafting of wills in Spain, this has been in relation to the new EU regulations on

Eu Regulations On Succession Applicable From 2015d

CAB note* These regulations were drafted for citizens of all nationalities residing in the EU/EEA member states. Therefore no changes post Brexit for UK nationals. Those not interested in reading the full text, can scroll to articles 21 and 22.