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New Measures Modifying Maximum Speed Limits From May 11

Posted in: Latest News, On the Road,
Author: Myra Cecilia Azzopardi
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The new measure, which modifies the generic maximum speed to 30 km hr for single-lane roads per direction of traffic, explained with application examples.

The General Director of Traffic, Pere Navarro has presented in Madrid the Manual for the application of the new speed limits on urban roads and crossings that will come into force on May 11.
This manual is created with the aim of promoting and helping municipal authorities to apply this modification of the General Traffic Regulations effectively, through real examples that can be found on the streets of the cities of Spain.

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Cities with a limit of 30 km / h
How 30 km / h is applied in cities
The guide will be sent to the town councils and can be downloaded from the DGT and FEMP websites.
APRIL 13, 2021

The General Director of Traffic, Pere Navarro, accompanied by the Secretary General of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Carlos Daniel Casares, and Alfonso Gil, Deputy Mayor of the Bilbao City Council and president of the Transport, Mobility Commission Sustainability and Road Safety of the FEMP, have presented in Madrid the Manual for the application of the new speed limits on urban roads and crossings that will come into force on May 11.
This manual is created with the aim of promoting and helping municipal authorities to apply this modification of the General Traffic Regulations effectively, through real examples that can be found on the streets of the cities of Spain.

The document develops, graphically, concrete examples in which the section of the road is described by means of a diagram, reference is made to the specific part of the regulations that apply and, finally, the example is consolidated by means of a real graphic case.

The manual will be sent to all municipalities and will be available on the DGT and FEMP websites for download.

According to Pere Navarro, “the presentation of this manual, a month before the entry into force of the new speed limits in cities, is the result of a determined commitment to collaboration between administrations. This decrease in speed on our streets will allow municipal authorities to create kinder, more humane cities, where different road users can coexist more safely, because with speeds greater than 30 km / h the safety for all the actors that interact is not guaranteed ”.

For his part. Alfonso Gil stressed that “this new reform of the Regulation is going to have a very important significance. We are going to see how elements such as shoes, walking, or bicycles gain space, thus making cities in which there is less smoke and less noise ”. He also added that “healthy mobility will be the one that conquers the future and makes our cities more competitive, strengthening local commerce; clean and safe ”.

In addition to the manual, an explanatory video has also been created that has been projected during the presentation in which you can see some of the transformations that can be carried out in cities at an urban level with the application of these new speed limits.

The modification of the Traffic Regulations in which the speed limits in cities are included was approved by the Council of Ministers on November 10. For this change to be known to citizens and for local public administrations to have enough time to adapt the signage and / or infrastructure, a period of six months was established from the publication of the RD in the BOE, for its entry into vigor.

Therefore, from May 11, the speed limit on urban roads will be:
20 km / h on roads that have a single carriageway and sidewalk platform.
30 km / h on single lane roads in each direction of travel.
50 km / h on roads with two or more lanes in each direction of traffic.

The reasons that led the DGT to implement this measure, which has been recognised by the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission, as a positive measure that will help reduce road accidents.


The Video

Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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