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‘AL Fresco Dining’ Does Spain Lack Smoke Free Areas?

Posted in: Myra's Blog
Author: Myra Cecilia Azzopardi
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Most tourists come to Spain for diverse reasons. One of the essentials is that Spain’s renowned magnificent weather accompanies them during their visit.

For expatriate residents and visitors alike, it is customary to enjoy sitting outside in one of the numerous terraced areas, under a huge sunshade or soaking up the sunshine partaking of a meal or sipping a cool drink, enjoying both the summer sun or a sunny winters day. Taking in the views and delighting in the fresh sea air. The latter is no longer a reality.

For a few years now, there has been a blanket ban on smoking in restaurants, bars and most indoor public places. Even so, many nonsmokers who looked forward to a smoke free environment did not take into account how this law was to be ineffectual in a country where daily life is enjoyed outdoors. Smokers now banned from smoking indoors, inhabit the terraces and outdoor spaces. For nonsmokers, it is impossible to avoid the tobacco smoke which drifts from the smokers sitting at the tables that surround them.

Restaurant and bar owners seem to be oblivious to the discomfort experienced by many of their clients which includes children and young babies. It may be a good idea to provide smoking areas with some type of transparent plastic partitions. If this does not become common practice, nonsmokers will no longer be able to enjoy the Spanish tradition of open air dining.

Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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