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Interviews and talks by the CAB Spain team on radio and TV

Myra Chats With Bill About Property Purchases And Sales Hiccups

On the show tomorrow morning 11.30 am Talk Radio Europe. All details on frequencies in your area, how to listen online, call or email the studio on the link below. Conveyancing website which includes hints, warning and a blog. Note* In same case

How Do I Lose My Residency Rights? Leaving Spain? What To Do

Listen to Bill Padley interviewing Myra (CAB senior adviser) live on Talk Radio Europe.  Monday February 20 at 10.30 am. Topics on headline and: Why those who for whatever reason are habitual residents without legal residency should register on

Ex-pats And When Things Go Wrong

Ex-pat experiences with what should be simple and straightforward. Chatting with Bill Padley on Monday 6 February at 11.30. Listen on demand below. https://www.citizensadvice.org.es/wp-content/uploads/Expats-When-Things-go-Wrong.mp3

Government Rushes Law On Clausula Suelo To Assist Consumers Or The Banks?

This topic was discussed with Bill Padley interviewing CAB adviser. Talking about the law and the possible implications. Since the interview, we have seen some of the agreements. One includes that during the three months negotiations. Also menti

Abusive Floor Clause Ecj Ruling And Mortgage Costs Claim On Radio

Talking on radio on the latest ruling from the European Court of Justice on the clausula Sueolo and how that assists those affected. The discussion also includes the new cases being initiated on recouping the costs associated with the set up of

Myth Or Fact?

CAB Spain advisers appear as guests on the Bill Padley show on Talk Radio Europe every fortnight. We discuss different topics related to the the Expatriate community in Spain. We welcome your suggestions for topics you would like to know about.

Registering On The Padrón (census) Radio Interview

There continues to be many misconceptions about what is the Padrón, how it work and who should register. For full information based on facts from the law, please tune in to Talk Radio Europe where Bill Padley chatted with a CAB Spain senior adv

Clausula Suelo In Your Mortgage Contract? Talking With Bill Padley On Tre

Many who took out a mortgage with a Spanish bank are not aware that they are still paying excessively high interest rates and are probably owed thousands. The monies lost are due to the high interests rates charged increasing the monthly mortgag

Invoicing Without Registering As Autonomo Radio Interview.

Want to know how to set up as autonomo without paying the monthly social security quota? Listen to Richelle de Wit Talking to Bill Padley this morning at 11.30am on Talk Radio Europe. https://www.citizensadvice.org.es/wp-content/uploads/TRE-Auto

Taking Up Spanish Nationality. Interview On Talk Radio Europe

Talking with Bill Padley on applying for Spanish nationality and some does and don’ts . Discussion, experiences and your input welcomed below. How to Apply for Spanish Nationality/Citizenship   https://www.citizensadvice.org.es/wp-c