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Eu Favourable Vote. Visa Waiver Depends On Uk Reciprocity

EU voted to waiver visas for UK nationals who wish to travel to the EU. This will go ahead if the UK reciprocates for all 27 member states. UK nationals would be able to enter the EU visa-free for short periods after the country’s exit, provid

New Advice For Travellers Visiting The Uk, Eu Or Eea In The Event Of A No-deal Exit

CAB Spain have avoided publishing most no deal scenarios. Due to the importance of the mention of the EHIC and the S1,  so  that UK nationals can be prepared.  Published 28 January 2019 From: The Department of Health and Social Care. The g

Cab Adviser Speaks On Talk Radio Europe On The Subject Of Residency

Friday January 25 at 11.30am. The information will also cover residency preparations for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU with or without an agreement. Listen Live, online, call, email or WhatsApp the station. All information can be found o

Spain Brexit Contingency Plans Added To The Moncloa Website

Follow the information in English. Brexit Advice from the Spanish Government

Package Holidays After Brexit

CAB Spain are not posting many post Brexit information until we have the information on a legal paper. Saying that this is an important matter for those preparing to book summer holidays which are normally booked around this time. Your consum

European Commission Implements “no-deal” Contingency Action Plan In Specific Sectors

Brexit: European Commission implements “no-deal” Contingency Action Plan in specific sectors Brussels, 19 December 2018 Press Release. The United Kingdom will leave the European Union in 100 days’ time. Given the continued uncertainty

The Uk’s Exit From The Eu: Important Information For Uk Nationals

CAB Spain have avoided posting the numerous Uk governments notifications of their expectations for UK Nationals in the EU in the case of a no deal Brexit. Due to the change in the UK governments terminology in these papers. (the UK government ha

Statement By Michel Barnier At The Plenary Session Of The European Parliament On Article 50

A few days ago we published a document from the UK government withdrawal from the EU team based on what they hope will be the final agreement. If ratified by the UK Parliament. Posted below are the words of the head of the EU Brexit team Miche

Setting Out The Framework For Future Relationship Between The Eu & Uk

For those wishing to follow every twist and turn. Link to the PDF

Draft Agreement Withdrawal Of The Uk & N.ireland From The European Union

Link to the full draft: Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, as agreed at negotiators’ level on 14 November 2018. LIN