DGT have been updating their website so please use the link below:
New Option DGT site
Instructions for exchanging a U.K. driving licence for a Spanish permit. Use the drop down menu for other languages.
For those choosing to make an appointment via 060, make sure you have a good level of the Spanish language, take down all details. Please note that some had not concluded the procedure correctly or misunderstood the last time the option was available to exchange a licence.
please try to not get frustrated. Note Spain info Card if you need advice and guidance on this or any other matter during your membership .
Some pointers on making the application for an appointment.
First step will take you to photo below. You will not find UK (Reino Unido) on the list. Do not use this option.
Use this m by adding your town and use “trámites de oficina and continue.
UPDATE: The Spanish Government Tuesday March 14.
The agreement, embodied in the form of an Exchange of Verbal Notes between the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also establishes the exchange of information on traffic offences in terms of road safety
In this way, holders of a valid driving license in one of the two States may request the exchange in the country where they have established their residence without the need to take an additional practical or theoretical test.
The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday the agreement by which Spain and the United Kingdom will proceed to the reciprocal recognition and exchange of driving licenses as well as the exchange of information on traffic offences in terms of road safety.
This agreement puts an end to the successive extensions applied to the exchange of permits between the two countries that had been applied since the end of the transitional period provided for in the Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
From now on, holders of a valid and current driving license issued by either of the two States may request the exchange of their equivalent driving license where they have established their residence, without being subject to any additional requirement of practical test or theoretical and according to the equivalence tables between the categories of permits from both countries.
The agreement establishes that all valid permits or licenses of current residents issued prior to its entry into force may be exchanged, while for permits issued after said entry into force it will be an essential requirement to access the exchange that the permits have been issued in the country where the applicant had his legal residence.
With this pact, those British citizens residing in Spain who had not had their driving license recognised before Brexit, nor in the successive extensions granted, will be able to do so as of Thursday, March 16.
To facilitate administrative processing at the provincial traffic headquarters, a period of six months has been granted during which British citizens can circulate in Spain with their original permit while they process the exchange.
In addition, Spain and the United Kingdom undertake to provide each other with information on the data of the vehicles and their owners for the purpose of investigating traffic offences related to road safety, especially in cases of speeding, not wearing a seat belt, failure to stop at a red light, driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence of drugs, not wearing a crash helmet, driving in a prohibited lane, or illegal use of mobile phones
We have a draft of instructions on how to change your UK driving licence in pending. We will post when we check with the DGT instructions.
And more of the same from the DGT sorry about the hands model ☺️
Press release from March 14. Download