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De-escalation Update: 4 Autonomous Regions Now In Phase 'new Normality'

Cantabria, Catalunya, Galicia and the Basque Country. Update on the Moncloa website.

Updated Covid Prevention Protocol Work Situations

Automated translation of an article on the Moncloa website. The Ministry of Health has updated the Action Procedure for occupational risk prevention services against exposure to SARS-CoV-2, in coordination with the autonomous communities, throug

Andalucía Segura - Complete Covid-19 Guide Tourism Sector

Link HERE General info Junta website HERE Guide for tourist accommodations HERE Frequently Asked Questions  

Plan Moves Ii

Plan MOVES II, the program of incentives for efficient and sustainable mobility. The funds will be distributed among the Autonomous Regions and they will announce when the subsidies can be applied for. Strict first come first get system so keep

4 Provinces In Galicia The First To Pass To 'new Normality' On 15.6.2020

Info from the government, map and written out.

New Normality - When Are Masks Obligatory?

As of the Phase of New Normality, declared in provinces or territorial units by the relevant Autonomous Government, or as of the 21st of June 2020, whichever comes first. For everyone as of the age of 6 it’s obligatory to wear a mask in th

Covid-19 - Back To School In September

Automated translation of an article published on the Moncloa website on 10.6.2020. The Ministries of Health and Education and Vocational Training have prepared a document, which will be presented tomorrow to the autonomous communities at the Sec

Additional Flexibilisation Measures Phases 2 And 3, Published 6.6.2020

From the State Gazette, published on the sixth of June 2020. Further flexibilisations for Phase 2 and Phase 3, valid as of Monday the 8th of June. Bull-fights may be organised again, with 33% occupancy or max. 400 spectators in Phase 2 and 50

Dgt Information Validity Licences Expired During State Of Alarm

As arranged by the Royal Decree that implements special COVID measures with regards to administrative deadlines, Spanish Driving Permits that expired during the State of Alarm were automatically extended up to 60 days after the end of it. As the