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Additional Flexibilisation Measures Phases 2 And 3, Published 6.6.2020

From the State Gazette, published on the sixth of June 2020. Further flexibilisations for Phase 2 and Phase 3, valid as of Monday the 8th of June. Bull-fights may be organised again, with 33% occupancy or max. 400 spectators in Phase 2 and 50

Dgt Information Validity Licences Expired During State Of Alarm

As arranged by the Royal Decree that implements special COVID measures with regards to administrative deadlines, Spanish Driving Permits that expired during the State of Alarm were automatically extended up to 60 days after the end of it. As the

Andalucia First To Allow Travel Between Provinces Of The Region

As announced in a press conference on Andalucia TV just now, the president of Andalucia, Juan Moreno will allow inter-provincial travel within the autonomous region of Andalucia as of Monday the 8th of June. We will add more regions when they ha

New Website For Assistance Consumers With Covid Issues

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has launched a website to assist consumers and users affected during the state of alarm who need information about their rights, once the administrative procedures have been reactivated. In case of encountering a

Sixth Extension State Of Alarm Confirmed

So until midnight on Saturday the 20th of June. As of Sunday the 21st any and all conditions and restrictions that were valid during the State of Alarm, will cease to be so. The same is the case when a province, island or territorial unit has p

Travel By Air And Sea Spain Mainland & To/from Balearic And Canary Islands Phase 2 And 3

Update 10.6.2020: Override the minimum 70% reduction in the total supply of operations in the public transportation services for air travellers subject to OSP in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, respectively, included in Order SND /

Government Taking Legal Action Against 17 Airlines For Non-compliance Covid Refunds

The ministry responsible for the protection of Consumer Rights has observed that several airlines operating in Spain are not providing the correct information to users who, due to the cancellation of flights due to the pandemic, opt for their ri

Reminder Of The Basic Rules When Outside And Returning To Your Home

Outside your home: Avoid touching surfaces and when you do, wash your hands with water and soap as it’s more effective than wearing gloves. Avoid touching your nose, your mouth or your eyes. Maintain a social distance of 2 metres. Use mask

Sixth Extension State Of Alarm Proposed

Extract from the speech by Pedro Sanchez on Spanish television on Sunday the 31st of May. The coming week Pedro Sanchez will ask the Consejo de Ministros to approve a sixth extension of the State of Alarm from the 8th to the 21st of June, but wi