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Paternity Leave

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Paternity Leave

Info from the Seguridad Social, in Spanish languages, French and English   HERE Info from our website, updated April 2019. HERE

Paternal Rights Labour Law

Rights or entitlements for fathers. 1. Paid leave of absence following the birth. 2 days or amplified to 4 if the father has to travel to another city. Starting on day of birth if it´s a working day, the following day if it´s not. 2. Paternity

Autonomo/self Employed And Maternity / Paternity Leave

Those registered as Autonomo generally have the same rights as those working on a contract under the Regimen General. Special work areas like mining, agriculture, fishing have specific rules which might differ from the ones valid for the general

Paternity Leave – Updates April 2019, 2020

Update: From January 1, 2021, paternity leave is equal to maternity leave. Both parents, the mother and the father, will enjoy leave for the birth and care of the child under 16 weeks. UPDATE 1.3.2019 Royal Decree approved stating Paternity Leav

Paternity Leave, For How Long Can I Claim It?

Status quo 2015. You can claim for 15 natural days. Was supposed to have been amplified to a whole month by January 1st, but not approved by government. Update per 1.1.2017 Amplification to 4 weeks now a fact! Apart from the 2 days ´permiso de