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What is the S1 Form and How to Apply and Use it?

The S1. What it is and how to obtain one.

The S1 is a form was previously the E121. All those who are in receipt of a UK state retirement pension and wish to live in in Spain, should contact the UK Healthcare Team on +44 191 218 1999. Overseas healthcare services,NHS Business Services Authority,
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
NE 1 6SN

You can apply for an S1 for yourself and any dependants if you fall into one of the following groups:
You are in receipt of a UK exportable benefit (e.g. a UK State Pension)
You are a posted worker/ frontier worker who pays compulsory NI contributions in the UK
You are flight/cabin crew or are working on a vessel at sea in specific circumstances.

Once you have this form and if you are a resident, register this with the INSS Seguridad Social (social security) office nearest to you. You will receive a social security number. Register this at your local Health Centre and apply for your medical card.

The form can take up to 28 days to arrive at your Spanish address so it is highly recommendable to apply for it before moving to Spain. If any of your family members need to receive healthcare as your dependent because they may not be entitled to any healthcare cover in Spain in their own right, then they will also need to apply for a separate S1 form as your dependent.

If you are applying for residency, take the S1 to the foreigners office at your Policia Nacional station with the other documentation. They should accept the S1 as proof of your right to healthcare in Spain. Do not be surprised if they are not aware of the rules. In this case they are likely to send you to the social security office to register first.

Those who have the right to receive their exportable benefits abroad, should also apply for the S1 which is what is used to pay your benefits in Spain. Those in receipt of a long-term sickness benefit can apply through the International Pension Centre (IPC) (+44) 191 218 7777.

UPDATE  Now transferred to NHS Business Services Authority: 00441912181999 option 5. Email: nhsbsa.ohsregistrations@nhs.net

Note* Keep your original S1 as now can be used in the UK. Read our FAQs providing information that all state pensioners will be treated for healthcare in the same way as if they were residents there. This does not apply to those pensioners who are not protected under the Withdrawal Agreement and should use the EHIC.

Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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