The right to claim unemployment benefit as self-employed if you were employed in earlier years.
Much is lost in the translation for the English version on the site. Here is a further translation.
The cessation of self-employment is not a legal situation of unemployment. However, if after the cessation of your employment as an employee, which constituted a legal situation of unemployment, you did not apply for the benefits you were entitled to and instead started self-employment (for less than 12 months, as otherwise you would be entitled to cessation of activity benefits), you could apply for the unemployment benefits under certain circumstances.
If you had obtained unemployment benefits after ceasing employment as an employee and subsequently suspended them to become self-employed, you may resume them when you cease this activity, provided that the duration of the self-employment was less than 24 months. In this case, it does not matter if you registered as self-employed under any of the Social Security regimes.
If the duration of the self-employment was equal to or greater than 24 months and less than 60 months, you can also resume the unemployment benefits if you can prove that you registered as self-employed under the Social Security Regime for Self-Employed Workers or the Special Regime for Sea Workers.