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ITE - Inspección Técnica de Edificios - Info For Homeowners

ITE is a compulsory inspection of certain properties, if they are classified as protected architecture or of a build older than 50 years and are located in towns with more than 25.000 inhabitants.

It´s a periodical inspection that evaluates their stability, security, whether it´s still suitable to live in and used as such, and if the results of the inspection so indicate, you might need to have repairs done to meet the requisites of any of the aforementioned conditions, so that the final evaluation will be ´favorable´.

Must be carried out by a ´técnico, aparejador or arquitecto´. Most towns will have a local ´ordenanza´ often even with a template for the inspection report. Ordenanza Conservación, Rehabilitación y Estado Ruinoso de las Edificaciones or similar.

Every year a list with properties, subject to ITE, will be published by Town Hall, based on information from the Catastro. Usually in the final trimestre, with the following year to arrange for the inspection and present the report to Town Hall.

Information on your town´s webpage/electronic office, or at Town Hall, ´Urbanismo´ department.

Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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