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Hunting season, the law – Andalucia


The legally established hunting periods for each species  for hunting season 2019/2020 are listed on the link below in Spanish only.

Hunting Periods


Note that for various species hunting is only allowed from Thursday to Sunday and on Public Holidays.

Hunting grounds are known as ´terrenos cinegéticos´ and must be qualified as such for hunters to be authorised to hunt there. Hunting on private property is only possible with previous consent of the owners. If you own rural property and are not sure whether the previous owners might have authorised hunting on their (now your) terrain, you can check with Town Hall or the local hunting society if your terrain is included in the ´plan de ordenación cinegética´ or ´plan técnico de caza´ and retract the authorisation if you wish to do so. You can also ask for information with the ´Sección de Aprovechamientos Cinegéticos del Registro Andaluz de Aprovechamientos de Flora y Fauna Silvestre´, a central register of all and any to do with hunting in Andalucia.

To ask for your terrain to be excluded from a ´coto´ you need to apply with the Junta de Andalucia. More info and the form to use


Hunting is only permitted with a licence, so if you detect hunters on your terrain while you have not given authorisation, you can ask them for their licence and report them with Policia Local if you wish.

Around inhabited property all hunters must respect a security zone, consisting of a radius of at least 250 meters in all directions from that property. Safety zones also exist near roads, camino´s, railways, villages, hamlets, rivers, streams, lakes etc. In security zones, as a rule, use of firearms is not allowed, use of air guns are not excluded.

Link with minimum distances re safety zones here.


Please note: The information provided is based upon our understanding of current legislation. It is not legal advice but is provided freely to enable you to be properly informed. We recommend that if you are considering taking action, you should seek professional advice.

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