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Housing Law Of May 2023-what Does It Regulate?

Update: Annual increase on rental ch For 2025 in Spain, the government has replaced the Consumer Price Index (IPC) as the reference for rent increases with a new system called the Índice de Actualización de Rentas de Arrendamiento de Vivienda

Over Six-month Absence Residency Loss: What The Law Really Says!

Supreme Tribunal Declares as Null the Article that Extinguishes the Right of Residency Article from 2023 In a landmark decision, the Spanish Supreme Court declared null the article that sought to extinguish the residency rights of individuals wi

Infringements And Penalties: Residency And Employment

Those who are perpetrators or participate in any of the following infractions will incur administrative responsibility: MINOR INFRINGEMENTS The omission or delay in communicating to the Spanish authorities of changes of nationality, marital stat

Amendments To Regulations On Tourist Housing, Apartments And Hotels In Andalucia

Decree 31/2024, of January 29, which modifies various provisions regarding housing for tourist use, tourist apartment establishments and hotels in the Autonomous Community of Andalucia. If the tables below are not aligned, please note, you can c

Promoting Gender Equality In Political Representation And Decision-making Bodies

Extracts from the law. The Organic Law 2/2024, of August 1st, on Parity Representation and Balanced Presence of Women and Men is a Spanish regulation aimed at promoting gender equality in various areas of society by ensuring a balanced represen

Simple Answers For Simple Questions

For more detailed information, please use the search box on our website. Car hire in the UK with a Spanish Driving Licence. A valid Spanish driving licence is a legal permit to drive with in the UK for visitors and those returning to reside the

Claim Your Mortgage Setup Fees

CLAIM BACK YOUR MORTGAGE EXPENSES! In July 2020 the Court of Justice of the European Union issued a ruling establishing that all financial entities were obliged to reimburse mortgage expenses to borrowers (notary, management, registration and co

Parental Responsibility And Custody Spain

Parental authority is initially determined by the known relationship or filiation of the child’s birth parents with their biological or adopted children. In Spain, parental authority is governed by the Civil Code, and comprises the range of ri

Recoup Lost Points On Your Spanish Driving Licence

Information on recouping lost points on your Spanish driving licence can be found on the link below to our library.  The centres for rehabilitation does not work on the library document so please use the last link below.   Information from