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Latest news from Citizens Advice Bureau Spain

Letters Sent From Nhs To Expats Have Many Confused.

Have you had treatment recently at your local NHS hospital? If so you are likely to receive a letter from the hospital written in Spanish. This letter will tell you of the treatment received and cost. Do not be alarmed as in most cases and if yo

Mums Abroad Interviews Myra, Founder Of Cab Spain

Citizens Advice Bureau Spain – Myra Cecilia Azzopardi Myra set up the Citizens Advice Bureau Spain in 2013. They advise on “absolutely everything that affects the expatriate community who live, invest or visit Spain, from relocation

Plan Pive 6

Published in the BOE of Saturday 21st of June, Real Decreto/Law 7/2014 confirming the sixth edition of Programa PIVE, offering financial incentive to buy more eficient vehicles, thus decreasing the amount of older vehicles on Spanish roads. A ne

Theft From Rental Cars Avoidance Advice

There is a point to this topic. We (who are habitual habitants of Spain) are aware of the robberies which often occur in places such as supermarkets parking lots. Another prime area for easy pickings is from the numerous cars parked near to our

Spain Has A New King

After thirty six years on the Spanish throne. The king Don Juan Carlos Primero de Borbón who announced his abdication earlier this month and was legalised by the senate, signed his abdication on Thursday the 18th of June. Today the 19th of Jun

Balearic Islands. Their First Urbanistic Law Since Aquiring Autonomo Status

Since they became a politically independent Comunidad Autonoma in 1983, the Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza) have not had their own, proper Ley de Urbanismo as the  ´Ley de ordenación y uso del suelo´ is commonly known. Now th

Warning About Renewals Of British Passports

Avoid leaving the renewal of your British passport until the last minute British nationals wanting to renew or obtain a British passport should avoid leaving their applications too late. You currently need to allow at least six weeks for a passp

Changes To Birth And Death Registrations Overseas

Changes to birth and death registrations overseas British nationals living in Spain should note that from Monday 9th June, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) is changing the way that it registers the births and deaths of British citizen

What All Spanish Electricity Bills Should Look Like By 01.10.2014

What All Spanish Electricity Bills Should Look Like By 01.10.2014 Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Resolution 5655 of 23rd of May 2014  of the Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas, in which rules with regards to