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Richelle’s Blog

Blog in het Nederlands (and English!) van Richelle de Wit

How Can Citizens Advice Bureau Spain Benefit You?

As an expatriate living in Spain; do you find that the Spanish bureaucratic system can be disconcerting? Have you discovered that the simplest of transactions are difficult to conclude? Find yourself searching for answers to problems only to discover that there is nowhere where you could find a solution? I am assuming that the answer is yes and that is why should be a member of our web site if you arent already.

´christmas´ In Spain

If this is your first Holiday Season in Spain, you´re in for a treat! A write up of all the festive days by member Jill Leonard. Note for 2019: as the 8th falls on a Sunday, the holiday is celebrated on Monday 9th instead, causing a ‘puen

Digital Certificate, Indispensable

November 2017. In my opinion, installing a Digital Certificate on your computer for yourself and any other adult family members is the single most useful thing to arrange for in Spain, both for residents and non-residents alike. Maybe only equal

Ecc – Cross Border Consumer Rights

For the latest publication from the European Commission about Cross Border Consumer Rights, download through THIS LINK. ¨Travel tips Help and advice for consumers in Europe Do you buy your airline tickets or book foreign hotels online? Do you

European Day Of Languages

Did you know today, 26th of September 2015, is European Day of Languages? And did you know that all information that the European Parliament publishes, is available in multiple languages? Check THIS LINK for more info on this subject.

How To Make Your Voice Heard In Europe - Active Citizenship

A new publication from the EU, on how to make your voice heard in Europe, it´s called ´European Passport to Active Citizenship´. A guide on how to use the European Citizens´ Initiative, a Participation Toolkit, European Issues etc. LINK to d

Recent Eu Publications And App

Smart Radio Monitor App The European Commission crowd-sourcing project is designed to gather and share radio spectrum data about mobile telephony coverage, WIFI channel occupancy, broadband and net neutrality. Anyone with a recent smart phone (A

New Eu Animal Health Rules

A proposal to streamline and simplify complicated animal health rules in the EU was informally agreed by MEPs, the European Commission and the national governments on 1 June. Marit Paulsen, the Parliament’s lead negotiator, described the r

Ttip - What Is It And How Will It Affect Us

The EU Trade Committee has drafted a series of recommendations re the TTIP negotiations. The text will be voted on by the EU Parliament on the 10th of June.  BREAKING NEWS 10.6.2015 : THE DEBATE AND VOTING ON TTIP HAS BEEN SUSPENDED!! The Europ

Eu Plenary Sessions Part Iii - Forest Strategy, Emergency Device In Cars And More

New EU forest strategy: better management can boost rural jobs, say MEPs ¨The new EU forest strategy must focus on managing forests sustainably, promoting efficient use of the raw materials that they produce, and boosting the competitiveness of

Eu Plenary Sessions Part Ii - Migration And Biofuels

Resolution approved in Plenary session of the EU Parliament on Migration: ¨The EU should do everything possible to prevent further loss of life at sea, e.g. by expanding the mandate of “Triton” operation in the Mediterranean to include R