This is not the procedure for citizens of the EU nor for families protected under the Withdrawal Agreement.
Of the child born in Spain
Of the child not born child in Spain
Children born in Spain to a foreigner who is legally residing in Spain and the Union citizen regime does not apply to them will automatically acquire the same residence authorization that either of their parents is the holder of. For these purposes, the father or the mother may request residence authorization for the child from the moment of the birth or from the moment one of the parents accesses the situation of legal residence.
If the child born in Spain is of a father or mother recognized as refugees, they may choose between requesting the family extension of the right to international protection or a residence permit, depending on the best interest of the minor.
In the case of a child born in Spain to a foreigner holding a residence permit for family reunification as a descendant of another resident, the former will acquire a residence permit for family reunification dependent on her parent.
The residence authorization application in official form (EX-01 if you are requesting temporary residence; EX-02 if you are requesting residence for family reunification and EX-11 if you are requesting long-term residence) in duplicate, duly completed and signed by the father or mother legal resident of the foreign minor born in Spain, who will present it in person at the Immigration Office of the province in which the foreign minor has his or her domicile. Together with the form, the original and a copy of the complete passport, travel title or valid registration document of the minor and the birth certificate of the minor must be attached.
Note on the validity of foreign public documents: To check the necessary requirements regarding the legalization and translation of foreign public documents, you can consult the information sheet of the Secretary of State for Migrations.
Renewals of these residence permits will follow the formalities and procedure established for residence permits for regrouped family members.
The residence authorizations granted will enable, when their holders reach working age, to work without the need for any other administrative procedure.
,DGWithin one month from the notification of the granting of the residence permit, the parent must personally request, accompanied by the minor, the Foreigner’s Identity Card, at the Immigration Office or Police Station corresponding to the province where they are staying. has processed the authorization.
Minors not born in Spain, children of foreigners legally resident in our country to whom the Union citizen regime does not apply, or guardians of a Spanish citizen or institution or by a legally resident foreigner, may obtain authorization from residence when their continuous stay in Spain for a minimum of two years is proven and their parents or guardians meet the economic means and accommodation requirements required to exercise the right to family reunification.
When minors are of compulsory school age, it must be proven that they have been enrolled in an educational center during their stay in Spain.
Documentation to be presented at the Immigration Office of the province in which the foreigner has a fixed address:
Application form (official model EX-01) in duplicate, duly completed and signed by the father, mother or guardian.
Original and copy of the complete passport, travel title or valid registration card of the minor.
Documentation accrediting the relationship with a legal resident, or guardianship with a citizen or institution.
Identification documentation of the applicant, which may be:
National Identity Document in the event of being supervised by a Spanish citizen.
Residence authorization of the father or mother in the event of being a child or guardian of a legal resident.
Documentation accrediting the stay in Spain for a minimum of two years.
Certificate proving having been enrolled in an educational center.
In the event of being the child of a foreign resident or guardian of a Spaniard or a foreigner residing in Spain:
Supporting documentation by any means of proof of employment and/or sufficient financial resources to meet the needs of the family.
Report on the availability of adequate housing issued by the Autonomous Community or, if it has authorized it, by the local Corporation of the place of residence.
Note on the validity of foreign public documents: To check the necessary requirements regarding the legalization and translation of foreign public documents, you can consult the information sheet (as link in first section)of the
Secretary of State for Migrations.
The residence authorizations granted will enable, when their holders reach working age, to work without the need for any other administrative procedure.
The validity of the authorizations granted for this reason will be linked, where appropriate, to that of the residence authorization of the father, mother or guardian of the interested party. In the event that the authorization derives from its guardianship by a community citizen, its duration will be five years.
Renewals of these residence permits will follow the formalities and procedure established for residence permits for reunited family members.
Within one month from the notification of the granting of the residence permit, the father, mother or guardian must personally request, accompanied by the minor, the Foreigner Identity Card, at the Immigration Office or Police Station corresponding to the province where the authorization has been processed.
Taken from the Spanish government website, translated and links added. Has been useful and saved you money if used? please donate.