Claims against banks for abusive clauses. Mis-sold products. Mortgages.
Civil Law
Commencing January 3, 2024, we’ll be transitioning to email-only communication. If you have any questions or require assistance, kindly contact us via email. Feel free to provide a telephone number if a phone call would be preferable according to our advisor’s judgment.
We hope you understand and value the accessibility citizens have enjoyed in connecting directly with an advisor by phone over the past nine years.
We appreciate your understanding.
As always this is a free service but we do ask for your utmost patience. For emergencies you should contact 112 or your embassy or consulate.
The Lawyer Smart Card Ltd is a corporate partner of the Citizens Advice Spain.
Spain info is a product of the Lawyer Smart Card Ltd.
Residency Applications:
EU & non EU citizens.
Court Cases:
Law of Second Opportunity:
Family Law
Separation. Divorce. Mediation. Children’s Welfare. Parental Responsibility. Grandparents rights. Pre-nuptial agreements
Wills. Inheritance and Succession Law
Drafting your Spanish will. Claiming an Inheritance. Inheritance & Succession Issues.
Immigration & Residency Law
Residency applications for EU & Non EU nationals.
Brexit Updating Residency Status.
Planning Law
Building. Renovation. Land issues. License of first occupation. AFO.
Criminal Law
Reporting someone or been reported, always accompanied by a lawyer.
Community Law
Communities of Property Holders. Macro Communities.
Real Estate Law, Conveyancing. Commercial
Purchase & Sales. Community Law.
Banking Law
Claims against banks for abusive clauses. Mis-sold products. Mortgages.
Civil Law
Defamation. Libel. Personal Damage. Corporate Damage.
Corporate Law
Incorporation of Companies. Dissolution of Companies. Small Businesses. Self-employed.
Labour Law
Employment. Employment contracts. Redundancy.
Taxation Law
Corporate Taxation. Personal Taxation. Resident and Non Resident Taxes. All personal tax enquiries will be outsourced to professional accountants with your permission.
Medical Negligence Law
Medical Malpractice. Cosmetic Surgery. Odontology.